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Virtual Reference Service

Virtual Reference Service is a series of hyperlinks to electronic resources available on the Internet. Sorted into major themes. We have tried to cover most common issues that arise in our center.

About the copyright of the information on the Internet...

The Copyright Website. The consultation will be interesting if you want to stay abreast of copyright issues online.

Electronic reference resources most common

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.:

Finding people:

Finding places:

To know the latest news:

  • CNN's news media, continually updated.

  • C-Span, provides links to ElectionLine, public domain resource on the Internet, and sound files of the sessions of the Senate and House of Representatives.

  • The Weather Channel, with weather forecasts.

For information on scholarships and education in the U.S.:

Finding a job:

Finding information on the Internet:


  • Nist Online Reference Databases by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, includes information such as the Chemistry WebBook, the Physical Reference Database produced by the NIST Physics Laboratory, the High Temperature Superconductors Database and Electron Interactions with Plasma Processing Gases.

  • Internet Movie Database, describes filmographies, credits of movies, and a search engine for actors, characters, etc.

  • U.S. Patent Office provides patent databases.

  • IBM Patent Server includes images of new patents.

Other collections of electronic reference resources:

Electronic resources major federal institutions:

Official publications, maps, laws and regulations:

Warning: The Embassy is not responsible for the content of hyperlinks to servers that do not belong to the United States government.