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IPO Activities: World Heritage Program


IPO through its partnership with the UNESCO World Heritage Center seeks to advance the representation of marine areas to Convention. This is achieved through a five-year partnership with the Center to develop a marine program and to cultivate complementary synergies with other conservation-relevant conventions and programs within UNESCO. Activities include:

  • Establishment of a more balanced and representative World Heritage List through a workshop funded by the United Nations Foundation (Hanoi Workshop 2002).
  • Collaborate on the establishment of the marine World Heritage Site managers network.
  • Support to pilot projects to demonstrate transboundary and serial nomination approaches that apply the World Heritage Convention as an international legal instrument for achieving multi-country conservation and management of marine ecosystems (Central Pacific Pilot Project).
  • Support for the regional training workshop in the Caribbean  and Pacific regions on application of the WH Convention to the marine environment
  • Presented during the 29th session of the Committee to formally establish marine program and collaborated in the development of a business plan
  • Provided expert advice to IUCN in the development guidance document for evaluators of World Heritage nominations.
  • Collaborated on the development of a business plan

Supporting the NOS/NOAA Mission

Global leadership to advance ecosystem management coastal stewardship.
Increase the representation of marine as on the US World Heritage tentative list.
Increase support and management capacity of marine World Heritage sites through technical assistance.
