Federal Consistency | Rulemaking


Program Change Rulemaking (ongoing)

NOAA’s Changes to the Coastal Zone Management Act Program Change Procedures, Advanced Notice of Public Rulemaking – May 20, 2008 (73 Fed. Reg. 29093-29094 (May 20, 2008)). 

For additional information contact Kerry Kehoe or Carleigh Rodriguez.

Federal Consistency Rulemaking (completed)

NOAA's FINAL RULE - January 5, 2006, revising the Federal Consistency Regulations (71 Federal Register 787 - 831 (January 5, 2006)) and technical corrections (71 Federal Register 75864-75865 (December 19, 2006)).

NOAA's Proposed Rule - June 11, 2003 for the Federal Consistency Regulations

NOAA's Final Rule - December 8, 2000 for the Federal Consistency Regulations (65 Federal Register 77123-77154 (December 8, 2000))


For additional information, contact David Kaiser or Kerry Kehoe.