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U.S.-Andorra Bilateral Relations

Andorra is one of the oldest nations in Europe, originally established by Charlemagne between Spain and France. The country is divided into seven administrative districts and the national language is Catalan, a romance language. French and Spanish are also spoken.

The present Andorran constitution, introduced in 1993, establishes Andorra as a sovereign parliamentary democracy that retains as its heads of state two co-princes, the President of France and the Bishop of Seu d’Urgell in Spain. Andorra’s main legislative body is the 28-member General Council (Parliament). The Síndic General (Chairman of the Parliament), the Subsíndic General (Deputy Chairman) and the members of the Council are elected in the general elections to be held every four years. The Council meets throughout the year on certain dates set by tradition or as required. President Antoni Marti is currently head of the  Government of Andorra.

Since the establishment of sovereignty with the ratification of the constitution in 1993, Andorra has moved to become an active member of the international community. In July 1993, Andorra established its first diplomatic mission in the world, to the United Nations. In early 1995, the United States and Andorra established formal diplomatic relations. Andorra has also expanded relations with other nations.

Andorra is a full member of the United Nations (UN), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Health Organization (WHO), Telecommunications International Union (ITU), United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Tourism Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), World Customs Organization (WCO), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), International Criminal Court (ICC), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) , Council of Europe, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), EUTELSAT, Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, International Center of Studies for Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (ICCROM), and  Interpol, among others. Since 1991 Andorra has had special agreement with the European Union.

At present, the United States and Andorra have excellent relations. The U.S. Ambassador to Spain is also accredited as Ambassador to Andorra. United States Consulate General officials based in Barcelona, visit Andorra regularly.

Reports about Andorra

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Embassy of Andorra to the United States

(Permanent Mission of Andorra to the United Nations)

Two, United Nations Plaza 25th floor New York. NY 10017
Tel.: (00 1 212) 750 80 64
Fax: (00 1 212) 750 66 30