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HOME>>About WRAIR>>WRAIR Overview Wednesday, February 13 2013

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The WRAIR aims to conduct biomedical research that is responsive to Department of Defense and US Army requirements and delivers life saving products including knowledge, technology and medical material that sustain the combat effectiveness of the Warfighter.
Major Walter Reed - physician, researcher, Soldier - remains the model of the military medical scientist.Born in Virginia in 1851 and one of the youngest graduates of the University of Virginia Medical School, he began his groundbreaking Army medical career serving at frontier outposts in the Arizona Territory. Later he applied his knowledge of camp life, sanitation, and medicine to a prevalent problem in Army camps, typhoid fever. He proved that it was caused by the typhoid bacillus and explained its route of transmission. In 1900, he was named president of a board investigating yellow fever in Cuba. The disease had killed more Soldiers than the enemy during the Spanish-American War and continued to devastate troops stationed in Cuba. Through simple yet elegant experiments, he and his team proved that the disease was spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito only and was caused by a filterable virus. 123
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More than 100 Years
WRAIR has a distinguished history of serving America's military. It was founded by U.S. Army Surgeon General George Sternberg in 1893 as the Army Medical School and is widely recognized as the oldest school of public health and preventive medicine in the United States. Physicians were trained in the art and science of military medicine, focusing primarily on the prevention of disease.
Unique Resources of WRAIR
  • WRAIR has developed two modern Centers of Excellence—Infectious Disease Research and Military Psychiatry and Neuroscience Research. World-renowned scientists with expertise in comprehensive Soldier fitness, brain injury, and sleep management make up the Center for Military Psychiatry and Neuroscience Research. The Center for Military Infectious Disease Research combines expertise in the development of vaccines and drugs for prevention and treatment of such diseases as malaria, HIV/AIDS, dengue fever, wound infections, leishmaniasis, enteric diseases and others.
  • Sleep suites for conducting human studies of sleep deprivation and performance.
  • Bioproduction facility for the manufacture under cGMP conditions of biologicals for Phase I clinical trials and other studies.
  • Clinical trial expertise and facilities both in the U.S. and in areas with high transmission rates of selected infectious diseases and with high rates of drug-resistant tropical diseases.
    • Insectary for raising mosquitoes and sand flies.
    • Biosafety Level 3 laboratories.
    • Modern AAALAC-accredited animal facilities and research suites.
    • Multidrug-resistant Repository and Surveillance Network (MRSN).

Last Modified Date: 11-Feb-2013

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