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Educational Resources
Louis Armstrong: Le Roi du Jazz is one of 13 poster shows available from APP Toulouse's media library.

Louis Armstrong: Le Roi du Jazz is one of 13 poster shows available from APP Toulouse's media library.

An extensive catalog of multimedia resources for use by educational and non-profit institutions in the Midi-Pyrénées region is now available on APP Toulouse's French-language website.   

The illustrated two-part catalog in PDF format includes books, brochures, poster shows and DVDs.  Many of the entries include links with additional information. 

The first part of the catalog includes 23 books and brochures available to institutions free of charge.   Topics include government, history, energy policy, society, culture, economy, geography and teaching.

The second part lists 13 poster shows and eight DVDs available on loan.  Topics include history, society, art and culture, and the environment. 

Application information is included at the hyperlinks above.