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Consul General
Woman smiling. (Photo Credit: Department of State)

Consul General Anne Callaghan

Ms. Callaghan assumed duties as the United States’ Consul General in Vancouver on August 25, 2011.

Anne Callaghan is a career senior Foreign Service officer with the U.S. State Department, with the personal rank of Minister Counselor.  Before her assignment as Consul General in Vancouver, she was posted in southeastern Iraq, overseeing the Maysan Provincial Reconstruction Team in its last year of operation.  Ms. Callaghan has also served as Minister Counselor for Public Affairs in Rome where she directed public diplomacy for the U.S. Embassy and three Consulates General (2006-2009); and as Counselor for Public Affairs in Bogota, Colombia (2004-2006).  Her last Washington tour was in the senior assignments division of the Bureau of Human Resources (2009-2010).  

Ms. Callaghan joined the Foreign Service with the U.S. Information Agency in 1984.  After a rotational tour in Mexico City, she opened the first public affairs office in Tijuana (1986-1990) and was responsible for public diplomacy for the six U.S.-Mexico border consulates.  She then served two tours in East Asia as Public Affairs Officer in Perth (1990-1992) and as an Assistant Press Attache and Deputy Cultural Attache in Tokyo (1992-1997).  Following a year of graduate study at the National War College, Anne worked in Washington in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs as the public diplomacy desk officer for Canada, Mexico, and Cuba (1998-2000).  In 2000, Anne moved to Rome as Cultural Attache (2000-2004).   

Prior to entering the Foreign Service, Ms. Callaghan worked at the Center for Research in International Studies at Stanford University.  A native of New Jersey, she received her undergraduate degree in East Asian Studies from Colby College and graduate degrees from the University of Michigan School of Library and Information Science and the National War College.  She speaks Japanese, Spanish, and Italian, and is the recipient of U.S. State Department Superior Honor and Meritorious Honor awards and the Department of the Army Superior Civilian Service award.