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eLibrary USA
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American Information Resource Center

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eLibrary USA provides American Information Resource Center (AIRC) Lahore members with access to a broad range of free commercial online resources anywhere internet is available.  Now professional databases are available right from the comfort of users’ desktops or laptop screens – even at home!

The collection includes resources on: English language learning; study and travel to the United States; U.S. historical and cultural information; civil society; business and entrepreneurship; science and technology; and more!  These databases cater to all information needs, from the serious researcher to high school students, to business leaders, and of course university students.  Anyone!

At the core of eLibrary USA are databases like Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica for Kids, Filmmakers Library Online, Literature Resource Center, GreenR, GreenFile, Gale Science in Context, Bookflix, TrueFlix, English Language Learner, Grolier Online (multimedia encyclopedia), CQ Research Online, CQ Global Researcher, and Global Issues in Context.  For a detailed description of these databases, please visit: or our AIRC Facebook page at:

eLibrary USA is open to all members of American Information Resource Center Lahore.  Membership is easy!  Simply send us an email at and we will get you started.

Need more information?  We are happy to do organize an orientation to these eLibrary USA databases at our AIRC or to conduct an orientation at your institution.  To get in touch with AIRC staff for eLibrary USA information or any other information about the United States or AIRC’s other services or resources, please call us at 042-3603-4243/4128 or send us an email at