Press Releases

Press Release of Senator Kaine

Kaine Statement on White House Proposals to Reduce Gun Violence

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tim Kaine released the following statement today in response to the package of measures proposed by the White House to address gun violence: 

“I applaud President Obama and Vice President Biden for putting forward a well-considered and comprehensive package of proposals to curb gun violence. Thanks to their prompt efforts, we now have concrete ideas on the table for debate.

“I’ve long advocated universal background checks, including closing the gun show loophole, to ensure weapons do not fall into the hands of dangerous individuals. I am encouraged by proposals to increase security in our schools, including preparing and training school officials for emergency situations. I strongly support improvements to our mental health system. In the coming weeks I look forward to reviewing the details of proposed limits on killer magazines and combat weapons and believe we should adopt reasonable restrictions.

“The Senate must take action on this issue and I look forward to working together to achieve common sense reform that will keep our children and communities safer while preserving the Second Amendment.”
