Womack Army Medical Center
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Appointment Information

Making an Appointment
Our WAMC Call Center for Primary Care Appointments is available from 7:00am to 8:00pm daily and accessible by calling (910) 907-APPT(2778) or by calling our Toll Free number 1-888-610-7420. Please use Tricare Online (TOL) 24 hours a day for booking appointments (requires registration via TOL Website). 

Cancelling an Appointment
Womack offers you a quick & easy way to cancel your appointment by calling (910) 907-2625. Service is accessible 24-hours a day. You may also call this line to hear your upcoming appointments for the next 45 days. You are prompted to key in your social security number (SSN) and press the pound (#) sign. If you know the appointment date and time of the appointment you want to cancel, you will enter the number of the month (1 through 12), press the pound (#) sign, then enter the date of the appointment (1 through 31). You will then be prompted to cancel your appointment.

Appointments can also be made online by going to the Tricare Online website.

­Womack’s Automated Reminder Telephone Service
You'll be hearing from us…to better serve you, our automated appointment reminder service will call you three (3) days prior to your scheduled medical appointment. Simply follow the instructions to confirm or cancel your appointment.

Womack's Tricare Prime Referral Process
If your primary care provider has recommended that you need to see a specialist they will prepare a medical referral to consult with a specialist. You will be appointed to Womack and given an appointment at one of our clinics or your medical referral will be sent to Health Net for processing to a network civilian provider. Please see the below steps to follow:

  1. To book a specialty appointment, you must first receive a referral from your primary care provider. Then report to the Specialty Referral Clerks, located in Room M-17, near the Allergy/Immunology Clinic, located on the 2d Floor, Womack or Robinson Health Clinic located near the lab, Clark Health Clinic located in the Women's Wellness Center, or JOEL Health Clinic located in the front in the front reception area. Always, ensure that clinic personnel have your current address and phone number & make sure that you receive a hard copy of your medical referral. If you receive a referral from your PCM after normal business hours (an evening clinic or on the weekend) you may call 907-6347; you will receive a return call not later than the next business day.
  2. If the Specialty Referral Clerk is unable to book an appointment at Womack within the access to care standard, WAMC will send your referral to Health Net to coordinate an appointment with a civilian Network specialist. The access to care standard for an urgent care appointment will not exceed 24 hours. The wait time for a routine appointment will not exceed one week. The wait time for a specialty care appointment or wellness visit will not exceed four weeks (28 days).
  3. Health Net will ensure that the requested service is a TRICARE benefit for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary out of pocket costs to you.
  4. Health Net will locate a civilian network provider conveniently located for you that has available appointments.
  5. Health Net will send you a letter within 7 to 10 days providing you with the provider’s name, address and phone number. If you have not received this letter within 7 to 10 business days, or if you desire to see a different specialist, you must call 1-877-TRICARE.
  6. Please call the civilian provider to schedule an appointment that is convenient for you. If you civilian provider determines that you need additional medical services, the provider will contact Health Net to arrange additional medical services or treatment.