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Exchange Program Alumni

U.S. Government Exchange Program Alumni

International Exchange Alumni

International Exchange Alumni

The Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy in Tashkent provides support for alumni of U.S. Government exchange programs after their return to Uzbekistan.

The Public Affairs Section maintains a database of alumni of all U.S. Government exchange programs. Almost two thousand alumni are now registered and receive regular updates from the PAS Alumni Coordinators concerning the Embassy’s upcoming events, such as Alumni Movie Nights, concerts, conferences, alumni-driven projects and other important information.

The Public Affairs Section also administers a Democracy Outreach / Alumni Grants Program. These grants are intended to support alumni initiatives in Uzbekistan and to provide travel grants to cover transportation for participation in conferences and workshops within Eurasia. The application form for Democracy Outreach / Alumni Grants can be downloaded here:

Democracy Outreach / Alumni Grant Application Form (English, PDF-78kB)

Democracy Outreach / Alumni Grant Application Form (Russian, PDF-131kB)

Click here (PDF-322kB) to read the Frequently Asked Questions About the Democracy Outreach/Alumni Grants Program.

Grow, stay connected, and expand upon your exchange experience with State Alumni Website!

The U.S. Department of State supports an online community for alumni of U.S. Government exchange programs. STATE ALUMNI is the official website for more than 1,000,000 alumni of exchange programs sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Interactive, dynamic and password-protected, offers alumni from U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs a place to network with other alumni from around the globe; share information about exchange programs and alumni activities; participate in Q&A Live discussions with experts; and access resources such as grants (more than $33 billion in funding), jobs and research databases (more than 20,000 newspapers, magazines, and scholarly publications).

Alumni Programs in Uzbekistan has also launched a separate page for Uzbek alumni on the global alumni website: This is a unique place where you can find up-to-date information about the life of alumni community in Uzbekistan, projects that are being implemented by your peers and upcoming events organized by and for alumni. You can also make your voice heard by posting articles and initiating thematic discussions in the forum.

For further information about alumni activities organized by the U.S. Embassy, please contact:

Alumni Programs
Public Affairs Section, United States Embassy
3 Moyqorghon Street, 5th Block Yunusobod District
Tashkent, 100093 Uzbekistan
Phone: (+99871) 140-2441
Fax: (+99871) 120-6302

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