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This is the Environmental Report 2003, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy by the Environmental Protection Department at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The results of LLNL's environmental monitoring and compliance effort and an assessment of the impact of LLNL operations on the environment and the public are presented in this publication.

The report is divided into two volumes.

Main Volume

  • Contains descriptive and explanatory text, along with tables and figures showing summary data and data trends over time. It includes all information of interest to most readers.

Data Supplement
  • Provides a detailed compilation of data.

The report sections below are available in Portable Document Format (PDF). These PDF files are best viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or greater. The environmental reports for 1994 through 2002 can be accessed individually by section or in their entirety. Memory requirements are indicated.

How to view PDF files.

Main Volume

Title page (32K)

Department of Energy Letter (80K)

Preface (36K)

Executive Summary (124K)

1. Introduction (544M)

2. Environmental Compliance and Program Summaries (412K)

3. Air Monitoring Programs (568K)

4. Water Monitoring Programs (1.2M)

5. Terrestrial Radioactivity, Ambient Radiation, and Wildlife and
Rare Plant Surveys

6. Radiological Dose Assessment (412K)

7. Groundwater Investigation and Remediation (748K)

8. Quality Assurance (264K)

Appendix A. EPA Methods of Environmental Water Analysis (64K)

Appendix B. Wildlife Survey Results (52K)

Appendix C. Errata (460K)

References (64K)

Acronyms and Abbreviations (52K)

Glossary (92K)

Reader Survey (PDF file, 54K) Or complete our online form.

Entire Volume (7.1M)

Related Documents:

2003 Annual Compliance Report for LLNL Site 300 (9.3M)

Building 829 Facility Annual Report 2003 (13.1M)

Pits 1 and 7 Annual Report 2003 (5.1M)

Pit 6 Landfill Annual Report 2003 (872K)

WDR 96-248 Annual/Fourth Quarter Report 2003 (7.6M)

LLNL Ground Water Project 2003 Annual Report (5M)

LLNL NESHAPs 2003 Annual Report (720K)

Supplementary Topics on Radiological Dose (56K)

Data Workbooks (Excel files):

Ch3 Air Effluent (48K)

Ch3 Ambient Air (248K)

Ch4 LV Groundwater (152K)

Ch4 LV Wastewater (168K)

Ch4 Other Water (68K)

Ch4 S300 Groundwater (120K)

Ch4 Storm Water (84K)

Ch5 Ambient Radiation (56K)

Ch5 Soil (92K)

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Last modified February 1, 2007.

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Richard G. Blake,