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09 March 2011

Security Adviser Praises American Muslims’ Contributions

Close-up of Denis McDonough (AP Images)
Speaking at the ADAMS Center in Northern Virginia, Denis McDonough, President Obama's deputy national security adviser, praises the American Muslim community.

Washington — Denis McDonough, the president’s deputy national security adviser, traveled to one of the country’s largest mosques to talk about President Obama’s approach to combating terrorism and to praise American Muslims for their contributions to strengthening America.

“Since the September 11th attacks, a number of individuals inspired by al-Qaida’s ideology and involved in supporting or plotting terrorism were stopped, in part because of the vigilance of members of local communities, including Muslim Americans,” McDonough said March 6 to a multifaith audience in Virginia at the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, known as the ADAMS Center, which has a long record of condemning terrorism in the United States and overseas. “The bottom line is this: When it comes to preventing violent extremism and terrorism in the United States, Muslim Americans are not part of the problem; you’re part of the solution.”

McDonough also highlighted the contributions of American Muslims to the country and their communities.

“You create jobs and opportunity as small-business owners and executives of major corporations. You enrich our culture as athletes and entertainers. You lead us as elected officials and members of Congress,” McDonough said. “And no one should ever forget that Muslim Americans help keep America safe every day as proud soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen. Indeed, some of these heroes have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation and now rest in our hallowed national cemeteries.”

McDonough’s speech comes ahead of hearings by the House of Representatives’ Committee on Homeland Security on radicalization in the American Muslim community. Committee Chairman Peter King, a New York Republican, will hold the first of the hearings March 10. The prospect of those hearings has caused some concern in the Muslim community and for those worried about radicalization.

Supporters and critics of King’s hearings rallied in the New York City area March 6. The New York-based Coalition to Honor Ground Zero, an organization that seeks to investigate and expose radicalism in the American Muslim community, praised King’s efforts.

“The Coalition to Honor Ground Zero wishes to express its gratitude to Congressman King, new chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, for initiating upcoming hearings on the well-documented rise of Islamic radicalization in America,” a statement on the coalition’s website says. ”Representative King, a fair and serious man, has spoken out and taken action in Congress on anti-American terrorism and jihad for many years.”

In contrast, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), an American Muslim public service agency, said on its website that King’s hearings have the potential to “alienate Muslim Americans instead of engaging them as an important resource in the war on terror.” The organization praised the role of American Muslims in public life and expressed concern over possible repercussions from the hearings.

“Muslim Americans make vital contributions every day. They teach our children, work in hospitals, and protect the public safety as police officers and firefighters. They love this country just as every American does and should not be placed under suspicion of terrorism because of their religious beliefs or ethnic background,” MPAC’s website says. “Unfortunately, Rep. King’s hearings would do just that.”

(This is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site:

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