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Press Releases

Statement on the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism Report

January 31, 2013

The U.S. Embassy in Bucharest commends the European Commission's report to the European Parliament under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism.

We encourage the Romanian Government to fully implement the European Commission’s recommendations. We share the concern that "commitments regarding the protection of the judiciary against attacks, the stepping down of Ministers with integrity rulings against them and the resignation of Members of Parliament with final decisions on incompatibility and conflict of interest, or with final convictions for high-level corruption have not been fully implemented."

Similarly, we would like to highlight the report's comments regarding the role of the media, specifically the recommendation to "review existing standards to safeguard a free and pluralist media while ensuring effective redress against violation of individuals' fundamental rights and against undue pressure or intimidation from the media against the judiciary and anti-corruption institutions."

We also encourage the Minister of Justice, CSM and President to choose candidates with expertise, integrity, and a track record of anti-corruption action for the key prosecutorial leadership positions.

U.S. Embassy to Bucharest
Public Affairs Office