Frequently Asked Questions

What is HNRIM?

HNRIM (the Human Nutrition Research Information Management system) is a database containing federally supported research and training projects with relevance to human nutrition. The system has been active since 1985, with over 4000 new projects being added each fiscal year.

What type of research is included in HNRIM?

Most of the research falls within the broad category of extramural projects -- grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements conducted primarily by universities, hospitals, and other non-government research institutions. The much smaller category of intramural research is that which is conducted directly by government scientists. The selection of research for inclusion in the database is based on the ICHNR Definition of Human Nutrition Research (pdf - 75KB)* and related classification categories.

What government agencies fund nutrition-related research and training?

Most nutrition-related research and training (90+ percent) is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). See Data Contributors for the complete list of agencies contributing to the HNRIM system.

Do you have other questions?

Please send additional questions or comments to the HNRIM System Coordinator or use the Contact HNRIM form.