Mission Director Dana Mansuri

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Mission Director Dana Mansuri
Mission Director Dana Mansuri
Mission Director 
US Agency for International Development, (1992 to present): Ms. Mansuri has served with USAID for almost 20 years in a variety of positions. She completed her assignment as Deputy Mission Director to Jordan in June 2011, serving the final 9 months of her tour as the Acting Mission Director. Previous to her assignment in Jordan, Ms. Mansuri served as Assistant Director in Morocco; Executive Officer in Morocco, Tanzania and Ethiopia; Program Officer for the Africa Bureau and Project Manager/Information Technology Specialist for the Management Bureau in USAID, Washington DC.

1989-92    Project Manager, Executive Resource Associates;
                   Contractor for Management Bureau/IRM, USAID
1987-89    Senior Management Analyst:
                   Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc. Bethesda, MD
1982-85    US Peace Corps Volunteer; 
                   Bobo Dioulasso,  Burkina Faso

1986     American Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, Arizona
              Masters in International Business Management
1982     University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
              Bachelor of Arts, Spanish Language & Literature
1979     Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Cádiz, Spain (Study Abroad)