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Imagine the Unimaginable: Ending Genocide in the 21st Century

Imagine the Unimaginable: Ending Genocide in the 21st Century

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A new poll commissioned by the Museum found that 67 years after the Holocaust, Americans believe genocide is still very possible yet preventable. The poll also found Americans want the US government to play a major role in stopping genocide from happening around the world.

Americans expressed support for a range of genocide-prevention strategies, especially for education about the Holocaust and other past atrocities. They are supportive of military action in cases like Syria and Sudan but they want the US to work in concert with other nations.

The results of the poll are based on the telephone interviews of 1,000 Americans conducted by Penn Schoen Berland between June 30 and July 10, 2012. The poll has a margin of error of 3.1 percent.

To see the full results of the poll, go to psbresearch.com/endinggenocide.


Americans believe genocide is very possible but also preventable.

Americans believe the US government has a major role to play in stopping genocide.

Americans support a range of strategies for preventing genocide (e.g., education) and are supportive of military action but want the US to work in concert with other nations.

Americans believe the international community is not effective at genocide prevention.

The poll was made possible in part by a generous pro-bono contribution from Burson-Marsteller and Penn Schoen Berland.