Publication Number: EM 1110-2-5027
Title: Engineering and Design - Confined Disposal of Dredged Material
Proponent: CECW-EH-D
Publication Date: 30 September 1987
Distribution Restriction Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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Transmittal Letter
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Field Investigations
Chapter 3 - Laboratory Testing
Chapter 4 - Containment Area Design for Retention of Solids and Initial Storage
Chapter 5 - Long-Term Storage Capacity of Containment Areas
Chapter 6 - Design and Construction of Dikes for Containment of Dredged Material
Chapter 7 - Operation and Management of Containment Areas
Chapter 8 - Automated Design and Management Procedures
Appendix A - Bibliography
Appendix B - Plans and Specifications for Settling Column
Appendix C - Example Design Calculations for Retention of Solids and Initial Storage
Appendix D - Dredged Material Consolidation Test Procedures
Appendix E - Jar Test Procedures for Chemical Clarification
Appendix F - Estimation of Dredged Material Consolidation by Finite Strain Technique
Appendix G - Procedures and Example Calculations for Design of a Chemical Clarification System
Appendix H - Monthly Standard Class a Pan Evaporation for the Continental United States
Appendix I - Procedures for Selecting Equipment for Dewatering Operations
Appendix J - Dye Tracer Technique to Estimate Mean Residence Time and Hydraulic Efficiency