Publication Number: EM 1110-2-1417
Title: Engineering and Design - Flood-Runoff Analysis
Proponent: CECW-EH
Publication Date: 31 August 1994
Distribution Restriction Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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Transmittal Letter
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Introduction to Flood-Runoff Analysis
Chapter 3 - Study Formulation and Reporting
Chapter 4 - Rainfall Analysis
Chapter 5 - Snow Analysis
Chapter 6 - Infiltration/Loss Analysis
Chapter 7 - Precipitation Excess-Runoff Transformation
Chapter 8 - Subsurface Runoff Analysis
Chapter 9 - Streamflow and Reservoir Routing
Chapter 10 - Multisubbasin Modeling
Chapter 11 - Simplified Techniques
Chapter 12 - Frequency Analysis of Streamflow Data
Chapter 13 - Analysis of Storm Events
Chapter 14 - Period-of-Record Analysis
Chapter 15 - Data Colleciton and Management
Chapter 16 - Ungauged Basin Analysis
Chapter 17 - Development of Frequency-Based Estimates
Chapter 18 - Evaluating Change
Appendix A - References
Appendix B - Hydrologic Engineering Management Plan for Flood Damage Reduction Feasibility-Phase Studies