Publication Number: EM 1110-2-1406
Title: Engineering and Design - Runoff from Snowmelt
Proponent: CECW-EH
Publication Date: 31 March 1998
Distribution Restriction Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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Transmittal Letter
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Snowmelt Runoff- A Review of Fundamental Processes
Chapter 3 - Collection and Analysis of Basic Data
Chapter 4 - Snow Accumulation and Distribution
Chapter 5 - Snowmelt - Energy Budget Solutions
Chapter 6 - Snowmelt - Temperature Index Solutions
Chapter 7 - Effect of Snow Condition on Runoff
Chapter 8 - Snowmelt - Accounting for Changes in Snow and Snow Cover
Chapter 9 - Statistical Analyses
Chapter 10 - Snowmelt Runoff Analysis for Engineering and Forecasting Applications
Chapter 11 -Guidelines for Snowmelt Model Selection
Appendix A - Bibliography
Appendix B - Glossary and Notation
Appendix C - Summary of Basic Physics Principles - Heat, Heat Transfer, and Thermal Properties of Water
Appendix D - Meteorological Relationships
Appendix E - Metric (SI) Versions of Generalized Snowmelt Equations
Appendix F - Summary Descriptions of Selected Operational Snowmelt Models