Troops to Teachers

The Troops to Teachers (TTT) Program is a national program which provides support services to prepare individuals for a career in teaching. Soldiers with a baccalaureate degree or higher are eligible to begin the traditional teaching certification process, however, many Soldiers may also qualify to become a vocational/technical teacher. Soldiers need only the equivalent of one year of college courses (24 college credits) and six years of experience in a vocational or technical field to begin the certification process.

Individuals may use an Alternative Certification Program (ACP) or University Teacher Preparation Program. Soldiers may benefit from an ACP, since this method offers online courses to obtain the teaching certification. Military members from all of the armed forces can use tuition assistance for their teaching certification while on active duty. Members may also be eligible for financial assistance for teacher certification expenses. A commitment to teach for three years in a "high-need" school district or at a high school with a high percentage of low-income families is part of the obligation for receiving some form of financial aid. There is a greater demand for teachers in the subjects of Math, Science, and Special Education.

The Troops to Teacher program operates on two levels: national and state. The national office processes all registration for the program and manages the funding. The state offices are responsible for issues relative to certification (licensure) and employment. Teaching certification requirements vary from state to state. Each state or regional office provides information regarding requirements and can assist Soldiers with state certification requirements. There are 33 state TTT offices nationwide that offer placement assistance for the 45 states participating in the program.

Soldiers can take advantage of the TTT Web site to correspond with representatives and receive alternative certification information. Additionally, the Troops to Teachers program web site provides a lot of detail about the program including FAQs. Use the following links for more information: