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Program Optimization

Program optimization

Now at the end of its third year, the Department of Energy and Western have determined it is an appropriate time to evaluate and assess the Transmission Infrastructure Program’s implementation. A joint DOE/Western Program Optimization Team is working to address several goals identified by DOE leadership outlined below:

  • Evaluate the Program project development process
  • Evaluate existing criteria for screening potential Program projects
  • Evaluate existing criteria for prioritizing potential Program projects
  • Increase the transparency of the vetting process for potential Program projects and
  • Improve communications with Program applicants


Input & Feedback

As the DOE/Western Program Optimization Team moves forward with addressing the above goals, we are seeking input and feedback.  The team conducted a workshop with a small, diverse group of parties on April 2, 2012, to receive input and discuss the program’s implementation to date and how TIP can better meet its core objectives.  The workshop specifically focused on Program process, the transparency of the Program requirements to current and potential participants, the criteria used to screen potential projects and communication between Program participants and Western staff.  A summary of Western’s implementation of the Program to date can be found on the existing program criteria page, and also see some proposed revisions the team has discussed. 

We specifically invite your input on the following questions:

  1. How can Western, through the Program, facilitate the development of transmission in the West?
  2. How can Western better work with potential project sponsors as they move through the project development process so as to achieve a higher project success rate?
  3. How can the Program improve its project screening criteria for both the initial screening of SOIs and subsequent screenings for selecting and prioritizing projects as they move through the project development process?
  4. How can the review process, with both Western and DOE, be improved in order to facilitate moving projects through the development process?
  5. How can we improve communication between the Program staff and project sponsors regarding sharing business information and project status?
  6. How can we improve program transparency with respect to the project development process, screening criteria, project status, etc.? Are there other information needs that can be met through greater overall Program transparency, especially for parties who are not currently working with the Program?

Provide your name and identify your organizational affiliation, and submit any comments or input to  Also, specify which question number you are addressing, or identify if you are submitting comments or input in response to the proposed revisions the team has been discussing. 

Note: This is an informal process and your comments and input may be used by the team in its evaluation of the TIP Program. Your comments will be most useful to the team if submitted by April 25, 2012, however we will accept comments until May 15, 2012. The team will review all comments submitted but you should not expect a response to your comments.