The Estuary Habitat Restoration Council


The Estuary Restoration Act established an interagency Council to direct policy relating to the directives of the Act, including guidance of the Act's financial and technical assistance program for restoration projects.

NOAA was elected Council Chair in October 2009 for a three-year term.

Current representatives include:

Work Group members who staff the Council:

Upcoming Meetings:

Notice: Estuary Restoration Act Council Meeting
The meeting is open to the public.
When: Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Time: 10:00AM -12:00PM
Location: NOAA Headquarters
1315 East-West Highway
Building 3, Room 14836
Silver Spring, MD 20910

The Estuary Habitat Restoration Council consists of representatives of five agencies:  the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  The duties of the Council include, among others, updating the national strategy, providing advice on the development of the monitoring standards, and soliciting, reviewing, and evaluating project proposals in order to submit a list of recommended projects to the Secretary of the Army.
Agenda items for this public meeting will include decisions on next steps with the draft revised Estuary Habitat Restoration Strategy, election of a new chair, and an update on the development of revised minimum monitoring data standards.
Security measures require that persons interested in attending the meeting must pre-register prior to 2:00 p.m. on November 5, 2012.  We cannot guarantee access for requests received after that time.

To pre-register, please contact Julia Royster at  Please provide the name of the individuals attending, the company or agency represented, and a telephone number, in case there are any questions.  All attendees must sign in at the security desk and are required to show photo identification.  Attendees will be escorted to the meeting room by NOAA employees.

Please subscribe to the ERA Listserv to receive announcements on future meetings.

Council Meeting Summaries:

Previous Reports to Congress:

The designee of the Secretary of the Army submits periodic reports to Congress describing the activities carried out under the Act. These reports are prepared in consultation with the members of the Estuary Habitat Restoration Council and contain information about projects funded, acres restored, the project tracking database, and other information related to implementation of the Act.
