Saturday, February 16, 2013
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Above Battalion Advisory Teams Ready for Deployment

2012-10-10 ak-mat 1It was the third and the last time this year when future above battalion level advisory teams met at the Joint Force Training Centre to train before their deployment to Afghanistan. Between 2 and 11 October nearly 400 soldiers representing 21 countries worked hand in hand for a success of the future mission during the Above Kandak (i.e. battalion) Military Advisory Teams / Operational Coordination Centre Advisory Teams 12-03 Training Event.

The JFTC has conducted this kind of training events since 2008. Original exercises for operational mentor and liaison teams have evolved within those years to become more professional and finally developed to become very sophisticated and professional training for military, police and operational coordination centre advisory teams (AT).

The complexity of the training is quite significant. It is not only different teams and different nations or regions. But the composition of the teams with different ranks, experience, expectations or age makes it difficult to manage”- said Brigadier General Jaromír Zůna, the JFTC Chief of Staff and the Exercise Director. “But I am sure that this complexity has not prevented us from creating the teams and establishing their spirit.2012-10-10 ak-mat 2And this was proven by the survey completed by the participants. A significant majority of the trainees admitted that the whole program of the event helped them to learn and practise skills they would need to become effective advisors and to understand how to build an effective relationship with Afghan counterparts. They agreed that the training prepared them for their advisory mission in Afghanistan.

To achieve this level of readiness for the deployment, the participants, altogether 140 soldiers divided into 9 ATs, spent five days on lectures and workshops foreseen in the Mission Specific Training and the Functional Area Training and four days on the Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRE). The MRE was based on real-life situations that had to be solved based upon the knowledge and skills gained in the first two phases of the training.

For the third time in history, training for Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) was an integral part of the pre-deployment preparations for above kandak advisory teams. The block for NCOs, tailored in accordance with Afghan needs, is still evolving and becoming more professional.

The participants were supported by more than 230 Exercise Control (EXCON) staff,2012-10-10 ak-mat 3 including both military and civilian Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and also representatives of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). You have received great support from Subject Matter Experts, facilitators, and Afghan partners but also from JFTC personnel involved in EXCON or Real Life Support All of them have worked hard to provide you with a great training opportunity which helps you to be prepared for your tough and important mission in Afghanistan” – General Zůna highlighted in his final remarks to the Training Audience. The EXCON assisted the trainees during the whole event.

The ATs trained in Bydgoszcz will be deployed to Afghanistan in the near future. Major General Pavel Macko, the JFTC Commander, said his farewell to the soldiers and wished them a successful mission. “Do your best to support the people of Afghanistan in rebuilding their country”- said General Macko to the Training Audience. He also asked the ANSF representatives for support and understanding: “Please, be ambassadors of the NATO advisory teams and troops to the Afghan people. Remember that we represent different cultures, sometimes we do not understand each other. Please, help us to minimize these gaps – for the success of our common effort.”

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