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Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Visits the JFTC

2012-05-25 dsact 1

The Joint Force Training Centre is just entering the most demanding part of the year. During the upcoming eight weeks the Centre's staff will execute three major events.

First it will host the Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exploration, Experimentation, Examination, Exercise (CWIX), the biggest NATO interoperability testing and exercise event for the command and control systems, which will be followed by the training for the ISAF Regional Command North (RC N) Headquarters and afterwards by the Above Kandak level Military Advisor Team Training Event.

The challenge has been noticed by General Mieczysław Bieniek, the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (DSACT), who arrived on 25 May 2012 at the JFTC to see how the Centre manages its staff and infrastructure in order to execute all the events successfully.
2012-05-25 DSACT 2

General Bieniek was briefed about the current state of preparations and was very satisfied with the JFTC's readiness for actions. He also learned about the Centre's plans for the rest of the year. By the end of 2012 the JFTC will have trained significantly more soldiers than in 2011. It will be a result of an increased number of different events planned for the months to come, including an additional training event for the ISAF Regional Command as well as two exercises for the Polish Special Operations Command and for the Joint Forces Command Brunssum, which will also be hosted at the JFTC.

As the future vision of Afghanistan and changes in the support NATO will provide to this country after 2014 were some of the main issues discussed during the Chicago Summit, General Bieniek was also interested in the JFTC long term plans. Together with Major General Pavel Macko, the JFTC Commander, they talked about new challenges, especially regarding the fact that this year the Allied Command Transformation, the JFTC superior, will take over the responsibility for the NATO collective training from the Allied Command Operations. Both NATO training centres, the JFTC in Bydgoszcz and the sister Joint Warfare Centre in Norway will play a very prominent role in this transition.

At the end of his visit the DSACT thanked the JFTC Commander for a significant contribution to the NATO training. He also wished the Centre's staff a full success in executing the very demanding plans for 2012.

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