National Select Agent Registry phone numbers for APHIS (301-851-3300) and CDC (404-718-2000).
Last Updated: Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ’s about Select Agents and Toxins

Legislature, Regulation, and Guidelines FAQ's

Registration FAQ’s

Report of the Identification of a Select Agent or Toxin FAQ's

Biosafety FAQ's

Security FAQ's

Security Risk Assessments FAQ's

Training FAQ's

Transfers FAQ's

Due Diligence FAQ’s


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*Website is being revamped based on Revised Select Agent regulations.

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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Agricultural Select Agent Program 4700 River Road Unit 2, Mailstop 22, Cubicle 1A07 Riverdale, MD 20737 FAX: 301-734-3652 E-mail: and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Select Agents and Toxins 1600 Clifton Road NE, Mailstop A-46 Atlanta, GA 30333 FAX: 404-718-2096 E-mail: