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Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Clearinghouse
Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Clearinghouse: Environmental resources for tribal energy development
Energy Resources Assessments & Monitoring Laws & Regulations
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Laws and Regulations

A number of federal laws and regulations apply to energy development activities on tribal lands.

A number of federal laws, regulations, and Executive Orders apply to energy development activities. For the most part, state laws and regulations do not apply to energy development on tribal lands.

The extent to which the federal requirements will apply to specific projects on tribal lands depends upon the nature of the project. Some federal requirements will apply only to certain types of energy development projects. Factors such as the type of energy resource being developed, the location of a project, and the size of the project will define which requirements apply. In addition, requirements applicable to projects conducted under a Tribal Energy Resource Agreement (TERA) may be different from those that apply to projects developed under other existing regulatory programs.

Follow the links below for information (where available) on federal laws, regulations, and Executive Orders that may apply to energy development activities on tribal lands:

The TEEIC Laws and Regulations Section Guide contains a brief summary of the information presented for laws, regulations, and Executive Orders.

TEEIC Laws & Regulations Section Guide
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