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Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5135

Magnitude and Frequency of Floods on Small Rural Streams in Alabama

U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5135, 10 pages (Published 2004)

Prepared in cooperation with the Alabama Department of Transportation

By T.S. Hedgecock

This report is available online in pdf format: USGS SIR 2004–5135 (10 MB)


Cover of SIR 2004-5135.

Equations for estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods for small rural streams in Alabama are presented for recurrence intervals ranging from 2 to 500 years. Floodfrequency characteristics are documented for 43 streamflow gaging stations included in the analysis. Each station used has a drainage area less than 15 square miles and at least 10 years of record prior to 2003. None of these stations were affected by regulation or urbanization. Regression relations were developed using generalized least-square techniques to estimate flood magnitude and frequency on ungaged streams as a function of the drainage area of a




Purpose and Scope


Previous Studies

Description of the Study Area

Flood Data Used in the Analysis

Flood Magnitude and Frequency at Streamflow Gaging Stations

Flood-Frequency Analysis

Use of Flood-Frequency Relations at Gaged Sites

Use of Flood-Frequency Relations at Ungaged Sites

Flood-Frequency Relations for Streams in Adjacent States




This report is available online in pdf format: USGS SIR 2004–5135 (10 MB)
To view the PDF document, you need the free Adobe Acrobat® Reader installed on your computer.

Suggested citation:

Hedgecock, T.S., 2004, Magnitude and frequency of floods on small rural streams in Alabama: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004 – 5135, 10 p.

For more information, contact the Alabama Water Science Center.

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