Feb 13


The DON CIO provides guidance on registration requirements for the DON Application and Database Management System (DADMS) and DoD IT Portfolio Repository (DITPR)-DON, which replaced the DON IT Registry. DITPR-DON is the single, authoritative source for data regarding DON IT systems, including National Security Systems. Registration of mission-critical, mission-essential and mission-support systems in DITPR-DON is central to establishing an accurate and reliable enterprise-wide inventory. Additionally, DITPR-DON is used to satisfy statutory and management reporting requirements, including Federal Information Security Management Act reporting and the Business Management Modernization Program certification process.

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Fiscal Year 2013 Business Mission Area Process Changes

Joint DON Memo - November 15, 2012

This memo details the significant changes to the requirements for investment review and certification of defense business systems before appropriated and non-appropriated funds can be obligated. These changes necessitate modifications to the Department of the Navy's business system review process, which supports the Department of Defense's investment review process.

Release of DON Enterprise Architecture Version 4.0.000

DON CIO Memo - October 1, 2012

The purpose of this memo is to announce the release of the Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture (DON EA) v4.0.000, which updates DON EA v3.1.000.

Investment Review Board Process and Program Manager Accountability

Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy Memo - March 14, 2012

The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 requires all Defense Business Systems (DBS) with a total cost in excess of $1 million over the Future Years Defense Program, appropriated or non-appropriated, to be pre-certified by the DON chief management officer and then be certified by the Investment Review Board and DBS Management Committee. The goal of this memo is to reestablish the certification package ...

DON Information Technology Policy Guidance for Fiscal Year 2012

DON CIO Memo - January 4, 2012

Since its inception, the focus of the Department of the Navy Information Technology Policy Guidance has been on enabling knowledge dominance by directing that our information management/information technology spending support the creation of a joint, net-centric naval networking environment. The net-centric vision remains a goal, but cutting the Department's IT spending is the priority for 2012. In the face of sharply ...

DITPR-DON Process Guidance v1.0

DON Guidance - December 8, 2011

The Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository-Department of the Navy (DITPR-DON) process guidance document provides a comprehensive discussion of core DITPR-DON functionality and basic lifecycle transactions. This information will enable all users to gain the understanding necessary to perform the basic IT asset management functions of registering, transferring and archiving DON IT systems within ...

Demonstrating Consistency with Global Information Grid Policies and Architecture as Part of Title 40/Clinger-Cohen Act Confirmation

DON CIO Memo - January 10, 2012

The purpose of this memo is to articulate the Department of the Navy expectations associated with ensuring that an acquisition is consistent with the Global Information Grid policies and architecture, as part of the Title 40/Clinger-Cohen Act confirmation process.

DON Public Key Enablement Waiver Request Process for Unclassified Networks, Private Web Servers, Portals and Web Applications

DTG 211312Z APR11 - April 21, 2011

This Naval message updates guidance for requesting public key enablement waivers through the Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository-DON. While the requirement for a waiver for a system that is not public key enabled has not changed, the process was incorporated into the DON Enterprise Architecture compliance assessment.

Marine Corps Information Technology Portfolio Management

DTG 201145Z APR 11 - April 21, 2011

MARADMIN 253/11 identifies U.S. Marine Corps Functional Area Managers and their roles and responsibilities relative to information technology portfolio management.

Process for Requesting Waivers for Continued Use of Unsupported COTS Software

DON CIO Memo - February 25, 2011

This memo provides guidance on the process to request a waiver for continued use of unsupported Commercial Off-the-Shelf software.

Clarification of Scope Associated with FY11 DON Enterprise Architecture Compliance Reviews

DON CIO Memo - October 14, 2010

This memo clarifies the scope of the Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture compliance reviews to be performed during FY11. It states that DON EA compliance reviews will only be required for information management/information technology (IM/IT) programs, projects, investments and initiatives that are required to be registered in the DON variant of the Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio ...

Release of DON Enterprise Architecture Applicability and Usage Guide

DON CIO Memo - October 14, 2010

This document provides a detailed explanation of the content contained in the Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture v2.0.000, which was released July 30, 2010. It also provides specific applicability and compliance requirements for each individual artifact contained in DON EA v2.0.000. Enforcement of compliance with DON EA v2.0.000 will commence Oct. 1, 2010. This document is intended for all: Program Offices ...

Certification of Compliance with Information Technology Systems Registration

DTG 242248Z JUL 10 - August 23, 2010

This Naval message directs all DON Mission Critical, Mission Essential and Mission Support information technology systems, including National Security Systems, to be registered in the DoD IT Portfolio Repository-Department of the Navy (DITPR-DON).

DON Non-Tier Review Dispositions

DON CIO Memo - May 14, 2010

This memo authorizes DON Deputy Chief Information Officers (Navy and Marine Corps) to provide a Non-Tier Disposition of "review/accepted" and "review/rejected." It also describes a broad spectrum of potential consequences, which would result from a "review/rejected" disposition.

DON Enterprise Architecture Compliance Waiver Request and Approval Process Update

DON CIO Memo - December 18, 2009

The purpose of this memo is to provide an update to the Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture (DON EA) Compliance Waiver Request and Approval Process memo, which was originally released Sept. 21, 2009. The DON EA compliance waiver process has now been automated in the DON variant of the Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository (DITPR-DON). Effective Dec. 21, 2009, all DON

Information Technology Portfolio Management Implementation

SECNAVINST 5230.14 - November 11, 2009

This instruction establishes Department of the Navy policies and procedures for the management of information technology and national security systems investments as portfolios across the DON enterprise that focuses on improving DON capabilities and mission outcomes. It also establishes standard operating procedures that leverage the existing decisional processes of Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution ...

DON Information Management/Information Technology Investment Review Process Guidance (v4.0)

DON CIO Memo - October 26, 2009

The DON IM/IT Investment Review Process Guidance v4.0 of Oct. 1, 2009, supersedes the DON IT Business System Certification and Annual Review Guidance v3.0 of Dec. 19, 2007. It reflects the changes in the Department of Defense certification and annual review requirements for Defense Business Systems (DBSs) promulgated by the DoD IT DBSs Investment Review Process Guidance of Jan. 21, 2009. It also reflects the changes in ...

DITPR and DoD SIPRNET IT Registry Guidance

DoD Memo - July 27, 2010

This memo rescinds and replaces the Sept. 6, 2007, Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository (DITPR) and DoD SIPRNET IT Registry Guidance 2007-2008 memo. This memo directs that all IT and National Security Systems must be registered in DITPR.

IM/IT Policy for Fielding of Commercial Off the Shelf Software

SECNAVINST 5230.15 - August 23, 2010

This instruction provides policy on the fielding and vendor support of commercial off the shelf software.

Implementation of Master Record Functionality in DADMS/DITPR-DON

DTG 021936Z JAN 09 - January 5, 2009

This Naval message directs all Department of the Navy functional area managers (FAMS) to create master records for Department of the Navy Application and Database Management System (DADMS) applications and Department of Defense IT Portfolio Repository-Department of the Navy (DITPR-DON) systems within their respective functional areas.

Capability Portfolio Management

DoD Directive 7045.2 - August 20, 2010

This directive establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the use of capability portfolio management to advise senior leadership on capability investment pursuant to the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense by section 113 of title 10, United States Code.

Information Technology Portfolio Management

DoD Directive 8115.1 - December 18, 2007

This directive establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the management of DoD information technology investments as portfolios that focus on improving DoD capabilities and mission outcomes.

Component Support Department of Defense IT Portfolio Review Process

DoD Memo - December 18, 2007

This memo applies to all Mission Areas and Domains and establishes the Department of the Navy's DON Application and Database Management System (DADMS) as the collection platform (to be referred to as the DoD Information Technology Portfolio Data Repository) in support of portfolio management of IT investments.

DADMS Configuration Control Board Charter

DON CIO Memo - August 23, 2010

This charter supports the establishment of DADMS as the authoritative data source for information about DON information technology applications and databases. It establishes the DADMS Configuration Control Board as the body to address and prioritize Navy and Marine Corps requirements for DADMS support.

Designation of the DON Application and Database Management System as an Authoritative Data Source

DON CIO Memo - December 17, 2007

This memo establishes the DON Application and Database Management System (DADMS) as the Authoritative Data Source for DON IT and National Security Systems applications and database inventory and IT systems registration. Further, this memo establishes the charter for the DADMS Configuration Control Board to address and prioritize the Navy and Marine Corps requirements for DADMS.


DON Responds to BMA Requirements for FY13

December 14, 2012

The Department of the Navy is implementing changes for the annual review of all systems in the DON Business Mission Area (BMA) beginning in FY13.

PKE Waiver Process Is Updated

May 3, 2011

The process for requesting waivers for systems that have not been properly Public Key Enabled (PKE) has been updated. System owners requesting a PKE waiver must now also assert the system's overall compliance with the DON Enterprise Architecture.

DON Enterprise Architecture: Providing Value to Stakeholders

by Victor Ecarma & Fumie Wingo - January 21, 2011

The Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture (DON EA) continues to provide stakeholder value and support DON transformation. Since its initial release in July 2009, the DON EA has been focused on two overarching goals:

CHIPS Magazine

John Pope

by Tina Stillions and Lisa Hunter - January-March 2013 - January-March 2013

SPAWAR Director, Data Center and Application Optimization

Mr. Terry Halvorsen

by CHIPS Magazine - January-March 2013 - January-March 2013

Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer

A Message From the DON CIO

by Terry Halvorsen - July-September 2012 - July-September 2012

Maximizing the Value of Data as a Critical DON Asset

DON Enterprise Architecture

by Fumie Wingo - July-September 2011 - July-September 2011

Version 2.1.000 is Released


Justification For The Use Of The SSN

by DON CIO Privacy Team - October 3, 2012

Phase II of the Department of the Navy Social Security Number (SSN) Reduction Plan addressed a review of information technology systems that collect the SSN. The purpose of the review was to assess whether continued collection was required, whether collection could cease (i.e., elimination of the SSN), or whether the SSN could be substituted with another unique identifier (i.e., the DoD ID number).

Sample Social Security Number Elimination Plan

January 10, 2012

For new and existing Department of the Navy forms and information technology systems, any use of the Social Security number (SSN) that cannot be justified through appropriate authorities must be eliminated.

DON Social Security Number Reduction Plan for IT Systems Phase Two

by DON CIO Privacy Team - July 8, 2011

The following resources are provided to assist in completing the review of information technology systems that collect Social Security numbers.

IT System SSN Reduction Review Process

by DON CIO Privacy Team - July 8, 2011

The following process should be followed when reviewing information technology systems that collect Social Security numbers (both full and truncated).

IT System SSN Reduction Response Matrix

by DON CIO Privacy Team - July 8, 2011

To support the review of information technology systems that collect Social Security numbers, the attached response matrix is provided.

Justification Memo for the Continued Collection of the SSN

by DON CIO Privacy Team - July 8, 2011

The continued collection of Social Security numbers by existing information technology systems and collection by new IT systems must be justified.

IT Investment Management

March 27, 2008

The DON CIO provides the Department IT investment management guidance by providing oversight of capital planning, business case preparation and review, portfolio management and the DoD IT Portfolio Registry (DITPR)-DON.