tobacco field

Kentucky Agriculture Science and Monitoring Committee

Dedicated to coordinating agricultural science and monitoring efforts in Kentucky in order to promote sustainable farming and a healthy environment.


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Landowner Conservation Planning Tools

Agricultural and Water-Quality Resources

US Department of Agriculture

US Environmental Protection Agency

US Geological Survey

Discovery Farms


Educational Videos

Soils Stories - Discovery

In “Soil Stories”, our protagonist, Francine, embarks on a journey of discovery that begins with her realization that soil is alive and that without soil, life as we know would not exist. In her journey of discovery she meets with soil scientists who help her “see” beneath the surface of the soil and help her understand how diverse yet ordered soil bodies are in the landscape and how much work has been done in soil survey.
In the second half of the story, Francine meets with characters that help her take an up close and personal look at some physical and biological attributes of soils without which they would not function. In the final part of the video, a character from history shares an epiphany about soils with Francine and translates this to modern terms.

[Videos courtesy of South Carolina NRCS, the Earth Sciences and Resources Institute at the University of South Carolina (ESRI-USC), and Vimeo, LLC services]

April 2012 Executive Meeting Presentations

Data and Resources

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Current Water Conditions

    Click map to go to current water resources conditions in the U.S.

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Page Last Modified: Monday, January 14, 2013 9:51 AM