Atlantic cod (Image credit: NOAA)

Gulf of Maine Cod News

Northeast Fisheries Science Center workshop to estimate discard mortality rates of Atlantic cod in various fisheries - June 24, 2012

NOAA Fisheries Service Announces Interim Management Measures for Gulf of Maine - April 2, 2012

Interim Final Rule - April 2, 2012

Cod for 2012 Fishing Year Cod Management Measures for Commercial Fishermen (Info Bulletin) - April 2, 2012

Cod Management Measures for Recreational Fishermen (Info Bulletin) - April 2, 2012

• NOAA Fisheries Service to Host Media Availability to Discuss Gulf of Maine Cod Management TODAY at 11:30 pm EST - April 2, 2012


New England Fishery Management Council Scientific and Statistical Committee Meeting -- March 28, 2012

NOAA Fisheries Service and New England Fishery Management Council Host Second Gulf of Maine Cod Working Group Meeting with Stakeholders in Portsmouth, NH -- February 10, 2012

Another opportunity for commercial and recreational fishermen and others to provide input to help inform what management measures we ultimately adopt for the 2012 fishing year. Discussions about Council recommendation that NOAA Fisheries Service implement interim management measures in 2012 for Gulf of Maine cod to address changes in the stock status to overfished and overfishing is occurring as determined by the 2011 peer-reviewed stock assessment. The council recommended a range of catch levels for NOAA Fisheries to consider as part of the interim action including a reduction in the total allowable catch for both commercial and recreational fishermen and a possible commercial and recreational management measures for 2012, including opening of some closed areas to commercial vessels and a reduction in the bag limits and changes in size limits for the recreational fishery.

This meeting was recorded. Download the audio of two sessions (MP3 file format).

February 1, 2012

GOM Cod Assessment Peer Review documents

New England Fishery Management Council Scientific and Statistical Meeting -- January 25, 2012

January 18, 2012

January 17, 2012

NOAA Fisheries and New England Fishery Management Council Meeting with Fishing Industry and Other Stakeholders -- January 9, 2012

January 6, 2012

December 20, 2011

If you have questions or would like to speak to someone more about this meeting, the stock assessment or next steps, please contact or

Be sure and check back here for further updates on the assessment and management response