Supplemental Small Boat Policies (SSBP)

Line Offices and their subordinate programs may issues policies and procedures related to small boat safety and operations in addition to the Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual (SBSPM). SSBPs cannot supersede the SBSPM but add additional requirements based on the issuing office's knowledge, experience, or common issues.

Current SSBPs

Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO)

OMAO Supplemental Small Boat Policy (March 2010)
This applies to all operators-in-charge, small boat operators, crew members, and embarked scientific personnel and other passengers aboard NOAA ships, program boats embarked on NOAA ships, and small boats operated by OMAO.

OMAO approved equivalent FRB courses as stated in Section 4.03.b "Operator-in-Charge - Non-OMAO Personnel" are:

  1. Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Advanced Coxswain course
  2. Modified FRB course by Marine Rescue Consultants

Small Boat Safety Program Vision:
Be the center of expertise for: guidance; training; metrics, both for safety and management; and coordination of regional assets