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Capital: Lisbon
Area: 92,090 sq km
Comparative area: slightly smaller than Indiana
Population (July 2011 estimate): 10,760,305
Official language(s): Portuguese and Mirandese
U.S. military presence: Approx. 700 Air Force members at Lajes Field, Azores
International Organizations and Agreements: European Union, NATO, United Nations, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries, and Community of Democracies

The United States-Portugal defense relationship is strong and enduring. Portugal is a founding member of NATO and an active member of the alliance. Portugal authorizes the United States to use Lajes Field, in the Azores, with approximately than 700 U.S. military and civilian personnel serving at this location. An Agreement on Cooperation and Defense (ACD) and an Acquisition and Cross-Servicing agreement are among many other agreements in place between the U.S. and Portugal.  The U.S. and Portugal military to military relationship is active and robust and includes aviation training, multi-national exercises such as Phoenix Express, and many U.S. port visits each year. 

Media: Portugal RSS


Articles RSS

  • February 16, 2013

    REAL THAW 13 sets aim for interoperability

    Aircraft and military professionals from the U.S., Portugal, Netherlands, the U.K. and NATO are continuing to develop their ability to work together during REAL THAW 13, Feb. 11-22.
  • December 13, 2012

    Lajes Field drawdown as part of force structuring announced

    Department of Defense officials announced today that Lajes Field will transition from an air base wing to an air base group with a reduction of more than 400 military personnel and 500 family members by the end of fiscal year 2014.
  • June 13, 2012

    Team Lajes responds to truck fire, saves lives

    Silva, a fuels specialist and a 31-year veteran of Lajes Field, was driving a C-300 refueling vehicle May 25, when suddenly the truck began smoking and, shortly thereafter, was engulfed in flames.
  • May 22, 2012

    Striking Force NATO arrives in Lisbon

    OEIRAS, Portugal – Vice Adm. Frank C. Pandolfe, Commander, U.S. 6th Fleet and Commander, Striking and Support Forces NATO, commemorated the arrival of the NATO command to its new location during a ceremony here May 17.
  • February 27, 2012

    This Week in EUCOM History: February 27 - March 4, 1991

    Ther Persian Gulf war officially ended on Feb. 28, 1991
  • December 13, 2010

    KFOR’s last Dancon March brings together multinational service members

    More than 600 multinational service members from all across Kosovo gathered Nov. 21 at Camp Grand Danois, the Danish camp inside Camp Novo Selo, Mitrovica/Mitrovice, Kosovo, for the last of three Danish Contingent Marches scheduled to be held this autumn.
  • November 21, 2010

    Gates Terms NATO Summit "Tremendous Success"

    SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia, Nov. 21, 2010 – The NATO summit that concluded yesterday in Lisbon, Portugal, was a “tremendous success” from the U.S. standpoint, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said here today.
  • November 19, 2010

    CRC exercise showcases KTM role in KFOR

    The Kosovo Tactical Maneuver element, along with several multinational partners from across Kosovo, participated in a joint Crowd and Riot Control training exercise, Nov. 17, at Camp Rigas Fereos.
  • November 13, 2010

    Dancon March tests KFOR soldiers

    More than 730 multinational service members from all across Kosovo gathered Nov. 7, at Camp Grand Danois, the Danish camp inside Camp Novo Selo, Mitrovica/Mitrovice, for the second of three Dancon Marches scheduled to be held this Autumn.
  • September 24, 2010

    KFOR deputy commander visits LMTs in East

    Portuguese Army Brig. Gen. Marco Serronha, deputy commander, Kosovo Forces, visited Camp Bondsteel and a few of the municipalities within the area of operation for Multinational Battle Group East, Sept. 14.

Blog Posts RSS

  • April 12, 2011

    CYBER ENDEAVOR 2011 Mid Planning Conference in Lisbon, Portugal

    Last week, William Poole and I (EUCOM Cyber Defense Division International Information Assurance Branch) wrapped up the Cyber Endeavor portion of the Combined Endeavor 2011 mid-planning conference. Let me give you a little background on Cyber Endeavor. Educators and technical professionals from governmental organizations, industry, and academia, provide cyber defense familiarization to audiences from an estimated 40 countries. Cyber Endeavor is the premier forum for international military, industry and academic professionals to collaborate and improve partnerships with the end goal of strengthening collective cyber defense capabilities.
  • November 29, 2010

    Three Outcomes from Lisbon

    We finished the Lisbon summit last week – really a high point thus far in the nearly 18 months I’ve been the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR). While not without some challenges, overall the summit must be judged a real success.
  • November 22, 2010

    The Silk Road, Then and Now

    The historic Silk Road traversed 3 present-day US geographic commands; European Command (EUCOM), Central Command (CENTCOM) and Pacific Command (PACOM), as it wound its way from Italy in the west to China in the east by way of Afghanistan pretty much right in the middle.
  • November 17, 2010

    Off to Lisbon!

    Currently, 28 NATO Heads of States and Governments (HoSG) are expected to convene at the NATO Summit. Over a series of meetings, our leaders will discuss a handful of issues central to the future security of Europe and North America, focusing on the new strategic concept and its subsequent implementation: crisis management; missile defense; the comprehensive approach; cyber security; and NATO headquarters and command structure reform.
  • November 15, 2010

    The Road Ahead

    I had an experience last week I never expected when I began my naval career in the 1970s during the Cold War period: a four-day visit to Moscow and St. Petersburg, hosted by the Russian Chief of Defense.
  • March 1, 2010

    Visiting our Allies in Western Europe

    If you read this blog regularly, you know I am committed to engaging actively and personally around the region to futher our shared security objectives. Last week was yet another busy week of travel in Europe.
  • July 27, 2009

    What a week!

    I started last week in Lisbon, on the heels of a trip to Stuttgart the previous Friday for staff briefings at European Command (EUCOM) and EUCOM's Annual Summer Reception, which included a spectacular concert with an Elvis Presley impersonator in full U.S. Army regalia!
  • July 20, 2009

    Back to sea!

    The NATO Sea Day – held only once every two years – was an unqualified success. The object is to bring to sea the key decision makers in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization: the Secretary General and his Deputy; the entire Permanent Representatives from NATO’s decision-making body, the North Atlantic Council (all 28 nations of course have an ambassador-rank official assigned to Brussels); the Military Committee (each Chief of Defense – those of us from the U.S. would say Chairman of the Joint Chiefs – is a member, and each has a full-time, very senior representative in Brussels); and key personnel from the operational staff, i.e. Allied Command Operations / Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe.

Videos RSS

  • June 27, 2012

    Rolling out the red carpet

    Airmen at Lajes Field welcome reservists from Utah's 419th Logistics Readiness Squadron. A1C Rebecca Stout has the story.
  • September 30, 2011

    Honoring those who haven't made it home

    The Lajes Field community took time out to remember our prisoners of war and those missing in action. A1C Monique Benedict gives us a look at what members of Team Lajes do to honor the memory of those who have not made it home.
  • March 3, 2010

    ADM Stavridis visits Portugal

    With drugs flowing into Europe from the Americas and Afghanistan, Portugal is in a prime spot to conduct counter-drug operations. NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Admiral James Stavridis, recently paid a visit to Portugal to see how counter-drug operations are conducted. He talked to AFN about plans to help stem the flow of drugs into Europe.