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  • Renner, A. H. H., and Lytle, V., 2007: Sea-ice thickness in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica: a comparison of model and upward-looking sonar data. Annals of Glaciology, 46, 419-427.

Sea-ice thickness is a key parameter for estimates of salt fluxes to the ocean and the contribution to global thermohaline circulation. Observations of sea-ice thickness in the Southern Ocean are sparse and difficult to collect. An exception to this data gap is time-series data from upward-looking sonars (ULS) which sample the drifting sea ice continuously. In this study we use ULS data from ten different locations over periods ranging from 9 to 25 months to compare with model data. Although these data are limited in space and time, they provide a qualitative indication of the ability of global climate models (GCMs) to adequately represent Southern Ocean sea ice. We compare the ULS data to output from four different GCMs (BCCR-BCM2.0, ECHAM5/MPI-OM, UKMO-HadCM3 and NCAR CCSM3) which were used for the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. They simulate the ice thickness reasonably well, but in most cases average model ice thickness is less than thicknesses derived from ULS data. The seasonal cycle produced by the models correlates well with the ULS except for locations near Maud Rise, where in summer the ULS find a low concentration of thick ice floes. This overly thin ice will have implications for both the salt flux to the central Weddell Sea during the growth season and the freshwater flux during the melt season. Using satellite-derived ice-drift data to calculate transports in the Weddell Sea, we find that the underestimation of ice thickness results in underestimated salt fluxes.

Full Article: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/igsoc/agl/2007/00000046/00000001/art00062

Last Updated: 2007-12-07

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