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Free Tools

Free tools available to Grantees:

A2J Author - A2J Author works with HotDocs document assembly software and LawHelp Interactive to provide user-friendly automated forms to low-income individuals. (For more information, see Online Document Assembly below.) A2J incorporates website standards for low-literacy users, including graphics, to effectively guide self-represented individuals through the process of assembling legal documents. A2J is also utilized in many legal aid online intake initiatives, where it can operate as a stand-alone application that interfaces with a provider's CMS.

GIS Mapping Tools - NTAP has compiled a package of free and very low cost GIS tools to meet the needs of the legal services community.  This package includes Google Earth, a free GIS mapping application, the University of Tennesee's KMZ Census Mapper, Geocoding tips, and training opportunities.

I-CAN! E-FILE - The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a refundable tax credit that reduces (or eliminates) the taxes that low-income people pay and that may result in income for the low-income filer. ICAN-EIC is free, web-based software designed to help low-income clients file their federal tax claim and receive EITC benefits. Statetax ICAN forms are available for California, Michigan, Montana, New York, and Pennsylvania..

LiveHelp Project Manager's Toolkit - LiveHelp is a chat-based, real-time support service that helps people find legal resources and referral information on sites. LiveHelp has been launched in 11 states and assists more than 10,000 users annually. Pro Bono Net has compiled a toolkit and best practices for developing and maintaining a LiveHelp project on an access to justice website. The toolkit contains program, staffing and technical guidance, as well as links to sample content and resources developed by LiveHelp programs. You can read it from beginning to end to get a comprehensive picture of the activities involved in the ramp-up and maintenance of a project, or you can guide yourself through the document based on the sections you are most curious or concerned about.

Online Document Assembly (LawHelp Interactive) - LSC grantees can create online forms using LawHelp Interactive, the legal aid community's national online document assembly program. LawHelp Interactive incorporates A2J Author software as an optional interface to collect data, and HotDocs software is used to produce the forms. LawHelp Interactive is now integrated into legal case management software and is moving toward connecting with court case management systems in 2012 -2013. LawHelp Interactive is available free to legal nonprofits and at subsidized rates to court systems that want to do stand-alone projects. Legal aid nonprofits using LawHelp Interactive likely qualify for the HotDocs Corporation's Charitable Organization Program. - Many of the people LSC recipients serve have limited literacy skills. Roughly 50% of native English-speaking Americans are unable to read at the 8th grade level; another 20% are only functionally literate. features a collection of plain language resources that allow legal aid providers to more effectively communicate with clients. Users can paste written material into the Online Plain Language Gadget and receive instant feedback on the readability of their content. The WriteClearly project was developed through a TIG awarded to Legal Assistance of Western New York.

Technology Planning Resources - To assist programs in conducting technology planning, here are some resources and models: