What is Phytozome?

Phytozome is a joint project of the Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute and the Center for Integrative Genomics to enable comparative genomic study of green plants. [more]


  • 13 May 2009:Phytozome v4.0 released. Version 4.0 of Phytozome is now available, featuring 14 complete green plant genomes clustered into gene families at 20 evolutionarily significant nodes.
  • 13 Mar 2009:Zea mays (maize) available. The Zea mays (maize) browser and BLAST interface are now available.
  • 8 Dec 2008:Gbrowse upgraded All Phytozome Gbrowse browsers have been updated to v1.69 from v1.64.
  • 8 Dec 2008:Chromosome-based soybean assembly and annotation is now available Glyma1.0 chromosome-based assembly and annotation of soybean is now available, replacing the preliminary contig-based assembly and annotation previously available at Phytozome.
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Phytozome: a tool for green plant comparative genomics

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