Apply for Beam Time

March 8, 2013
@ 11:59 PM (CST)

Submit Proposal »


NEW USERS: to avoid delays and to make the most of your time on site, read Become a User. You must register as a user and receive a badge number before submitting a proposal.

About the Beam Time Request Process

All beam time at the APS must be requested each cycle through the web-based Beam Time Request System. Five types of requests are possible: General User, Partner User, Collaborative Access Team (CAT) member, CAT staff, and APS staff. Each beam time request (BTR) must be associated with a proposal, but the requirements for each proposal type differ.

General User proposals and BTRs: Proposals are peer reviewed and scored by a General User Proposal Review Panel, and time is allocated on the basis of scores and feasibility. A new BTR must be submitted each cycle, and for each cycle, allocation is competitive. Proposals expire in two years or when the number of shifts recommended in the peer review have been used, whichever comes first.

Partner User proposals and BTRs: Proposals are peer reviewed by a General User Proposal Review Panel and reviewed further by a subcommittee of the APS Scientific Advisory Committee; the final decision on acceptance is made by the APS Deputy Director. Although a new BTR must be submitted each cycle, a specific amount of beam time is guaranteed for up to three years.

CAT member proposals and BTRs: Proposals from CAT members are much shorter, do not expire, and are reviewed by processes developed by individual CATs. A new BTR must be submitted against these proposals for each cycle during which the proposal needs beam time, and allocation/scheduling is determined by the CAT.

CAT and APS staff member proposals and BTRs: Proposals of this type are also very short, do not expire, and are reviewed through processes developed by either the CAT or the APS. A new BTR must be submitted against such proposals for each cycle during which the proposal needs beam time. Each CAT/beamline determines how these BTRs are allocated/scheduled.