Science and Education

Groundbreaking science is performed and published every day at the Advanced Photon Source. Here you can learn more about this cutting-edge research, and find details about relevant educational programs.

In this section:

  • Science and Research Highlights
    Read articles highlighting the last ten years of research at the APS.
  • Conferences and Workshops
    An annual listing of relevant conferences, including those held at Argonne and elsewhere.
  • Seminars and Meetings
    Science seminars and presentations are held frequently.
  • Publications
    Browse the APS Publications Database for a complete listing of material published by our scientists and engineers.
  • Annual Reports
    APS annual reports provide descriptions of experiments carried out within a particular year or years.
  • APS Upgrade
    The APS Upgrade Project will enhance the capacity and capabilities of the U.S. Department of Energy's largest national synchrotron x-ray research facility.
  • Courses and Schools
    Various educational efforts are closely related to the APS and other synchrotrons.
  • Graduate Programs
    An incomplete list of graduate programs for those interested in doing beamline physics and/or synchrotron research.
  • Scientific Software
    Scientists and researchers at the APS develop custom scientific software to help with acquisition and analysis of beamline data. Several packages are available for a variety of platforms and uses.