Stories of QuarkNet Teachers and Students




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QuarkNet: Helping Develop America's Technical Workforce



Centers at 53 universities and labs

18 HEP experiments

475 high schools in 24 states

60 ,000 students per year


The focus of QuarkNet is to involve teachers and students in our experiments:

Teachers do research with us and bring that excitement and experience to their classrooms.

Students analyze data in their classrooms.

Jack K. Willis in Muleshoe, a far west Texas rural farm area, drives quite a way to QuarkNet, usually staying in a hotel at his own expense.

"QuarkNet has allowed me to expand my particle physics knowledge tremendously. . . It has also afforded me an opportunity to share this high energy physics with my students and to get some of them involved in individual research especially in cosmic ray detection.

I really believe that I am a much more well-rounded teacher because of my association with the people involved in QuarkNet and not just the knowledge.

What a privilege it has been to be associated with Fred Olness and his crew at SMU, Randy Ruchti and his collegues at Notre Dame and Nural Akchurin and his collegues at Texas Tech. Rubbing shoulders with these great researchers has afforded me opportunities that I never dreamed of obtaining.

And the association with all of the great teachers that have been involved in the QuarkNet Workshops at each of these institutions has created a wonderful network of individuals I can contact.

This has truly been one of my greatest experiences in my teaching career.

QuarkNet is getting students excited about science and involved in classroom science investigations . . . by getting scientists and teachers working together.