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About the Institute

The EEOC Training Institute:

The EEOC Training Institute offers seminars, courses and on-site customer-specific training programs. We invite you to review the wealth of knowledge compiled in our products. We believe that discrimination can be prevented if companies, federal agencies and individuals know their legal rights and responsibilities. Our trainers are subject experts and have substantial experience, both enforcing the laws and providing high-quality training. The Institute's educational products contain the technical and legal guidance prepared by EEOC's attorneys, administrative judges, investigators, managers and policy experts.

Programs provided by the EEOC Training Institute and the various manuals, workbooks and materials associated with these programs are made available under the auspices of the EEOC Education, Technical Assistance and Training Revolving Fund Act of 1992. This law authorizes the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to charge reasonable fees to cover the costs of providing specialized, in-depth education, technical assistance and training on EEO laws.

Browse this website to learn how the EEOC Training Institute can assist you in understanding, preventing and correcting discrimination in your workplace. EEOC enforces the federal laws prohibiting job discrimination in both the private and federal sectors--Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Equal Pay Act, Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 501 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1991. EEOC also provides oversight and coordination of all federal equal employment opportunity regulations, practices and polices.