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Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO)
Providing Support to America's Law Enforcement Community Since 1997

Law Enforcement Agency (LEA)


The DLA Disposition Services dispose of excess property received from the military services.  Excess property comprises of every kind of personal property purchased by the Government, from tools to file cabinets, office furniture, vehicles and more.  When items are no longer needed by a government agency, they are determined "excess" and turned in to the nearest DLA Disposition Services Site.  This is the beginning of the "Disposal Process".  All Reutilization/Transfer/Donation (R/T/D) customers screen within a 42-day formal screening window once property is closed in an accumulation.  The first 14 days of the formal screening process are established for DOD and other Special Programs on a "first-come, first-served" basis.  Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO) customers fall into this category.

Visual Image of Screening Timeline.  CONUS Screening: Accumulation 7 days, Screening for DOD & Special Programs 14 days, Screening for DOD, Transfer & Donees 21 days, FEDS Donation and Allocation Period 5 days, RTD2 2 days, Sales.


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For questions concerning the information presented, please contact LESO.
Page updated 10/4/2012