Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: How do we determine what the new prevailing wage rates are in our area?

Answer: All prevailing wage rates will need to be reexamined to assess the impact of the increase in the minimum wage. Your facility should contact the sources from which you originally obtained prevailing wage rate information to determine the effect of the increase of the statutory minimum wage, or, if necessary, obtain this information from new sources. Once you have this information, you should adjust the wage rates of workers with disabilities no later than the next full pay period after the prevailing wage rates are reexamined. You should make sure that the data you collect on wage rates reflects the changes in the statutory minimum wage and advise the sources accordingly. As with all prevailing wage surveys, you should also document these contacts and have this information available for review by the Wage and Hour Division. These procedures are required under sections 525.9(b)(2), 525.10, 525.12(f), and 525.16(c) of the regulations.



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