
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children

The Department of Defense, in collaboration with the National Center for Interstate Compacts and the Council of State Governments has developed an interstate compact that addresses the educational transition issues of children of military families.

Currently 40 States participate in the interstate compact that provide a uniform policy platform for resolving the challenges experienced by military children.

It is estimated that the average military family moves three times more often than the average non-military family. These frequent moves by can cause children to miss out on extracurricular activities and to face challenges in meeting graduation requirements. The Compact will ensure that the children of military families are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals by inflexible administrative and bureaucratic practices. States participating in the Compact would work to coordinate graduation requirements, transfer of records and course placement and other administrative policies.

Visit the Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission's website for complete details on the compact.

Interstate Compact Training Materials


Facilitator's Guide
(PDF 11.2MB)

Comprehensive Brief
(PDF 10MB)

Module 1 - Overview
(PDF 9.8MB)

Module 2 - Quiz
(PDF 828KB)

Module 3 - Successes and Challenges
(PDF 1.9MB)

Module 4 - Case Studies
(PDF 816KB)

Module 5 - Sharing with Parents
(PDF 1.8MB)

Module 6 - Issue Resolutions
(PDF 1.4MB)

A Letter to Parents

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