
Pursuant to OCSLA (43 U.S.C. 1351) and 30 CFR 250.204, a development and production plan and its supporting information must be submitted for approval before an operator may begin development or production activities. Development and production plans as defined by 30 CFR 250.204(d)(1) are not required for leases in the CPA and WPA. Instead, to ensure conformance with the OCSLA, other laws, applicable regulations, and lease provisions and to enable BSEE to carry out its functions and responsibilities, the operator must prepare and submit to BSEE a Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD) and, as required, supporting environmental information, archaeological report, biological report (monitoring and/or live-bottom survey), or other environmental data determined necessary before any development and production activity is conducted on a lease in the Western Gulf. A DOCD shall be considered a development and production plan for the purpose of any references in any law, regulation, lease provision, agreement, or other document referring to the preparation or submission of a plan. The plan describes a schedule of development activities, platforms, or other facilities including environmental monitoring features and other relevant information. Refer to Section I.B.3.d.(1)(a) for a discussion of plan revisions. The revised rule provides for submission of supporting information for BOEMRE and State CZM evaluation as outlined in 30 CFR 250.204(b) through (u). As with EP's, BOEMRE can require modification of a plan based on inadequate or inaccurate supporting information.

After receiving a DOCD, BSEE prepares either a CER, EA, and/or EIS as discussed in Section I.B.3.d.(1)(a) above. As part of the review process, the DOCD and supporting environmental information, as required, are sent to the affected State(s) having an approved CZM plan for consistency certification review and determination. The OCSLA (43 U.S.C. 1345(a)) provides for coordination and consultation with the affected State and local governments concerning a development plan. The guidelines and environmental information requirements for lessees and operators submitting a DOCD are addressed in NTL 86-09 and are discussed further in Section I.B.3.d.(1)(e). On the basis of the CER, EA, or EIS findings and the plan completeness review, the plan would be approved or disapproved, or modification of the plan would be required of the operator.

After plan approval, the operator submits for approval specific applications to BSEE, such as those for pipelines and platforms, to conduct activities described in the plan.


Oil and Gas Reserves Information