Housing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions about Housing at Yongsan Garrison.

Do you take advance applications for housing?
Yes, please email: usarmy.yongsan.imcom-pacific.list.usag-yongsan-housing@mail.mil.

When can I apply for housing?
Service members can apply for housing upon arrival.
Can I select the area where I want to live?
No. The command policy is mandatory assignment to government quarters based on availability. For further information, please visit our web site. http://imcom.korea.army.mil/site/housing.asp
Can I live off-post?
No. See Policy Letter 2-8. Mandatory housing exception to policy must be submitted prior to housing being offered to service members.

How long does it take to find housing?
Most families find homes within 10 days of arrival, and are able to complete the paperwork, do the safety inspection, and lease signing and furnishings delivery within 10-15 days.

What size are the houses (on-post, off-post) and where can I get/see the floor plan?
On-post Housing:

Type    2BR (SF)    3BR (SF)    4BR (SF)    5BR (SF)    Rank
Senior Office & Command sergeant Major Quarters    1,800    2,000    2,200    NA    O6/E9
Burke Tower    NA    1,573    1,762    1,978    O4/O5
Town House    1,248 & 1,267    1,394 & 1,614    1,425    NA    O4/O5
Quad’s    NA    1,700    NA    NA    E7(P) – E-9
Hannam Village (HV)    929    1,490 & 1,858    1,858 & 2,388    2,388 & 2,411    O1-O3/E7-E8
HV high-rise    838    1,112    1,519    NA    E1 – E8

Off-Post Housing:
# of Bedroom    Size (SF)    Size (Pyong)    Rent (Month)    Utility (Month)
2-Bedroom    950 – 1,100    26 – 30    $2500-3000    $300-350
3-Bedroom    1,150 – 1,275    32 – 35    $3200-3500    $400-500
4-Bedroom    1,450 – 1,800    40 - 50    $4000-5000    $500-600

I’ve heard the electric systems are different in Germany/Japan/Korea, will my appliances work or will I have to buy new ones?
The electrical voltage in Korea is 220v and most rental properties have a transformer to drop the voltage to 110v. This allows for stateside appliances to be used. Many newer rental properties now have both 220v and 110v outlets which offer the convenience of being able to use 220v appliances that are readily available on the economy. The number of electrical receptacles per room is less than what U.S. standards call for which can be a bit of an inconvenience, however with new construction this has improved.

Recommended items NOT to bring to Korea: Washer/dryer, yard maintenance equipment (i.e., lawn mowers, trimmers, fertilizers, patio equipment (this includes on and off post) and BBQ grills.

Is housing overseas different from US homes?
The rental property throughout South Korea has improved greatly over the years and now offers many western-style amenities such as open floor plans with 2, 3, and 4 bedrooms, built in closets, 1.5 to 2 full bathrooms, security systems, laundry rooms, additional storage and designated parking spaces. Although rental property is expensive by American standards, our Housing Office ensures the fair market value of the property, which precludes service members and civilians, from having unnecessary out of pocket expenses while residing on the local economy. The housing office highly discourages non-approved side lease agreements. 
The majority of rental properties in South Korea are apartment complexes that are comprised of several “high-rise” buildings, which have recreational areas, parking and security guards. Korean apartments are typically individually owned, similar to a condominium in the U.S. There is limited number of villas (mid-rise apartments) available as well. Each of the areas in South Korea is unique and offers a variety of housing to choose from.
Rental property is available in four basic categories: high rise, mid or low rise, and Korean style homes. High rise apartments and villas are generally the newest types of housing available and many are less than ten years old. Most rentals have 2 bathrooms with an open floor plan consisting of a living and dining combination adjacent to the kitchen along with the entry way, bedrooms and balconies.
Kitchens are typically designed to be efficient and many have built in dishwashers, cook tops and ovens. Cabinets and counters are adequate; however, there usually are a limited amount of electrical outlets.
Bathrooms typically are completely tiled for easy cleaning and at least one (if not both) bathrooms will have a full tub and shower booth, while the 2nd bathroom may only have a shower booth.
Water off-post is potable for cooking or drinking. However, bottled water is inexpensive and can be purchased on the economy or through the PX/BX or commissary. Most rental contracts include a bottled water dispenser and two bottles of drinking water per month.
Storage can be an issue but newer properties have built in closets and many have additional storage space. If additional storage space is required, Korean closets and shelving are readily available on the economy and the housing office has wardrobes available for issue to accommodate storage needs.
Most rentals have cable TV access which provides some English channels. Internet services are available through the telephone company. Each installation’s Post Exchange (PX)/Base Exchange (BX) offer a cable satellite service with U.S. programming.
Adequate parking is usually provided either in an underground facility or adjacent to the apartment. However parking at off-post quarters is limited and it is recommended a statement in the lease be added for parking provisions, especially if you are approved for an additional vehicle.

Will military members still have the option to live off-post?
Yes, if Service member is granted Exception to Policy.  The command policy is mandatory assignment to government quarters based on availability.

What are Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) entitlement and rent allotments?
OHA is the overseas equivalent to Stateside BAH in that it is used to pay your rent.  OHA is based on the local currency (Korean Won) and is paid out in your LES like BAH.  OHA is based on your pay grade and dependent status (with or without).  You can find your OHA rate at http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/perdiem/ohaform.html - Under “Location,” type in the “Locality Code” of KS175.  Enter your pay grade and dependent status as appropriate, and another pop up screen will list your OHA rate, utilities rate, and MIHA. 

* Subject to Change
RANK    Without Dependent(s)    With Dependent(s)
E1~E9, O1     2,829,060

W1~W4, O1E~O3E,

W5,O5~O6     3,516,516

Utility rate     612,651.75

MIHA rate
(only one time)     393,704

How and who is starting and stopping my BAH and/or Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA)?
Service members will fill out OHA paper work through the housing office and will then be processed through the finance office.

Are there any restrictions on bringing our pets?
Certain pets defined in USAG Yongsan Policy Letter 2-1 are not allowed in Hannam Village and Burke Towers. (Bldg 7170 & 7171).  The rest of South Post (Areas 7000, 7100, 4600, 5500 and 7200) residents are limited to “2” (two) domestic pets only.  Sponsors are responsible for the conduct of their pets at all times.  Do not let your pet become a neighborhood nuisance because of excessive barking and invading your neighbor’s privacy.  Feces must be picked up immediately.  Dog runs are not authorized.  There are designated areas for walking your pet throughout the housing areas on South Post, signs are posted.  All damages by pets must be repaired, replaced or reimbursed.  Animals will not be permitted to enter tennis courts.
    Restrictions on the number of pets?
    Restrictions on the type/breed of dog?
    Restriction on the type of pet, i.e., “Can I have my pet snake/iguana/ferret/pot-bellied pig?”

What schools are in the area?
    What is the best school?
    - On-Post:
Seoul American Elementary School, http://www.seoul-es.pac.dodea.edu
Seoul American Middle School, http://www.seoul-ms.pac.dodea.edu
Seoul American High School, http://www.seoul-hs.pac.dodea.edu

    - Off-Post:
Seoul International School, http://siskorea.org
Yongsan International School of Seoul, http://www.yisseoul.org
Rainbow Children Center, http://www.rainbowchildrencenter.net
Global Christian School, http://www.gcskorea.org

What is the loaner furniture program?
    May I keep the loaner items for my tour of duty?
    How long can I keep the loaner furniture when I arrive/depart?
    Do you issue furniture/appliances on a permanent basis?
Loaner furniture program for civilian who is authorized full JFTR and authorized for only 90 days for in bound and out bound of HHG.  Service member are authorized to support furniture and appliances for duration of their tour.

Where do I stay while I wait for housing?
You can stay at Dragon Hill Lodging or Off-post Hotel with Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA).

Do I get credit if I’m coming from a dependent restricted tour?
    How much credit (months) do I get from being on a dependent restricted tour?
Yes, you will get credit for the duration of your assigned tour on a dependent restricted tour.

Do I need renters insurance for on-post, partner or private rental housing?
Residents on/off-post is strongly encouraged to purchase commercial insurance to protect personal belongings in case of major loss i.e. acts of Mother Nature, pipe burst etc.  A common policy for this coverage would be a renter’s policy, which would cover your personal property as well as personal liability for government property.  Consult with your private insurance company, or contact one of the numerous companies located within the Yongsan area.

Who is eligible for Family housing?
Eligibility date for wait list for inbound personnel is the day you sign out of losing command, or application date in person (whichever date is sooner).  Inbound personnel must apply for housing within 2 days of arrival.  All requests must be done in person (not via phone, FAX or e-mail, etc.).

What is the waiting time for housing?
The Housing Office provides travel decisions for concurrent travel (Family Housing available within 60 days of arrival), deferred travel (housing available within 140 days of arrival) and non-concurrent travel (housing available after 140 days of arrival).

What determines the list I am placed on and my placement on the list?
The number of bedrooms requested and eligibility date (primary date the service member departed their last duty station.

What is a waiting list?
Waiting lists are lists kept by the Housing Office to determine who is next to being offered on-post housing.

Once placed on the waiting list, may I transfer to a different list?
Yes, if SM has changed rank or/and number of dependents with new eligibility date.

What happens if someone has the same eligibility date as me?
It will be determined by Date of Rank.

What does it mean if my wait list position moves up and down?
A service member who has an earlier arrival eligibility date.
May I request placement on more than one wait list at one time?
Only one waiting list is authorized per Service members.

How long will my application remain active once submitted?
It will remain for Service member’s tour duration or until housed.

What is military Family housing privatization?
Does not apply to Korea.

How does military housing privatization affect a Service Member's BAH?
Does not apply to Korea.

How will rent be paid to the privatized community housing partner and what does it cover?
Does not apply to Korea.

How does privatization affect the service I receive?
Does not apply to Korea.

Will/is there to be a Self-Help program?
Yes, Self Help center is located in building 5274 on south Post, DSN: 736-7818 for those that live in on-post government owned housing.

What are the requirements for vacating my home?
Contact the housing office, 738-4072, upon receipt of PCS/relocation orders to schedule pre-termination inspection 45 to 60 days prior to anticipate departure.

When I move, do I have to clean?
Yes. It is the occupants’ responsibility to adhere to the Quarters Cleaning Checklist.

Under privatization, will the partner handle the clearing process, or will it remain with housing?
Does not apply to Korea.

I have two children, one female and one male; how many bedrooms do I qualify for?
Depending on the age of the children, you will be authorized either a 2-bedroom or 3-bedroom home.

I have a Family member enrolled in EFMP, how will that affect my on-post housing assignment and waiting time?
Service members that have a family member(s) enrolled in EFMP versus service members that do NOT have EFMP family member(s) will be treated the same and will be based on the service members rank and bedroom qualification.

If I live on post, what type of housing can I expect?
E-6 and below are housed in barracks, E-7 and above are housed in BOQs, Junior NCOs/Company Grade Officers are housed in Hannam Village, and Field Grade Officers/Senior NCOs are housed in South Post. (See attached floor plans within this annex).

I am a dual military household, whose name will my privatized (on-post partner) housing lease be under?
Does not apply to Korea.

I have a dual military household and my wife is stationed at another installation.  Can I apply for housing?
Yes, service members can apply for housing. However, service member will not be assigned housing until spouse arrives on station.

Can my spouse or someone else accept a home on my behalf?
Yes, but MUST have Power of Attorney form.

I currently live on post but would like to move to a different house.  Can we apply for another wait list?
Service members may formally request relocation to other quarters if:
•    Acquire additional family members through birth, adoption or dependency
•    Selected for promotion to the next higher grade: E-6-E-7, O3-O4, and O5-O6.
•    All moves to include government furnishings are at the Service member’s expense and no DLA is authorized.

In privatized on-post housing will I be responsible for utilities?
Does not apply to Korea.

Can I accept on-post housing before I sign into the installation?
No.  Service members must report to housing for in processing in person.

I am a single Service Member with one child, am I eligible for on-post housing?
Yes, if the child is on Service member’s order or is command sponsored.

I’m TDY in route, when can I be put on the housing list?
    What will my eligibility date be?
    Does it start when I depart my permanent duty station, or when I finish the course or when I arrive at my new permanent duty station?
When you in-process at the Housing Office, you will need to submit all your orders (PCS, pin-point, command sponsored, TDY order, etc.) as well as all your DA Form 31 and DA Form 137-2.  Your eligibility date will be determined from all these documents and backdated to the date you cleared your last permanent duty station.

What amenities are included with the privatized on-post community housing?
Does not apply to Korea.

My Family was assigned to a 4-bedroom home at my last duty station.  Will I automatically qualify for a 4-bedroom home?
No, it is determined based on your dependents’ information on your PCS orders.

Once I am offered a home, how long do I have to accept/decline?
Sponsors will be offered the first available set of quarters and will have 24 hours to accept or reject the offer. 

What happens if I decline a home?
Depending upon the reason(s) for declining a home, not accepting a home will incur loss of TLA and removal from waiting list.

Will my BAH/OHA cover my rent and utilities?
OHA is the overseas equivalent to Stateside BAH in that it is used to pay your rent.  OHA is based on the local currency (Korean Won) and is paid out in your LES like BAH.  OHA is based on your pay grade and dependent status (with or without) which covers your rent and utilities.

If I get married after I have been living off post with a certificate of nonavailability (CNA) do I have to apply for on post housing?

How much is the rent for off-post housing?
# of Bedroom    Size (SF)    Size (Pyong)    Rent (Month)    Utility (Month)
2-Bedroom    950 – 1,100    26 – 30    $2500-3000    $300-350
3-Bedroom    1,150 – 1,275    32 – 35    $3200-3500    $400-500
4-Bedroom    1,450 – 1,800    40 - 50    $4000-5000    $500-600

Are there any off limit Landlords?
Yes.  It is available at Housing Office.

How do I get a list of available rentals in the area?
Please email the housing office at: USAGYONGSANHOUSING@KOREA.ARMY.MIL or call 01182-2-505-738-4069.

I just received Deployment Orders.  Can I terminate my lease before I depart?
Yes.  Your lease agreement will contain a military clause.  A military clause alerts the tenant that they are protected under the Service Members Civil Relief Act.  The Act provides protection, such as terminating a rental agreement prior to the end of the lease term for reasons such as permanent change of station, deployments exceeding 90 days, separation from active duty or offer of government quarters.

I received notification that my Family can move on-post but I just renewed my lease.  Can I break the lease and move?
Yes.  The service member must provide a 30 day written notice to the landlord/realtor upon receive an offer of government quarters.  Verbal Notification is not sufficient.  The “Verification of Termination” form can be obtained from HSO.

I’m unaccompanied; do I have to live on-post?

My roommate and I both signed a lease but she has moved out.  Can I get out of the lease?

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Date created: 3/30/2011 1:44:52 PM
Date last updated: 8/22/2012 11:40:03 AM