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Alphabetical Listing of Acronyms
A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z
Other Acronym Sources
Army regulation concerning abbreviations, acronyms (AR 25-52)
DoD Dictionary of Military Terms
Environmental Protection Agency acronyms
Headquarters, Department of the Army Staff
U.S. Army Records Management Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms
  • A&E Architect and Engineering
  • A/I Active/Inactive
  • AA Assistant Administrator
  • AAA Army Audit Agency
  • AAFES Army, Air Force Exchange Services
  • AAP Army Alternate Procedures
  • AAP Army Ammunition Plant
  • ABO Army Budget Office
  • ABRP Agriculture-Based Bioremediation Program
  • ACAM Air Conformity Applicability Model
  • ACAT Acquisition Category
  • ACC Air Combat Command
  • ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
  • ACL Alternate Concentration Limit
  • ACO Administrative Consent Order
  • ACOR Alternate Contracting Officer's Representative
  • ACS Alternate Confirmatory Sampling
  • ACSIM Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
  • ACUBS Army Compatible Use Buffers
  • ADEC Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
  • ADEM Alabama Department of Environmental Managment
  • ADEQ Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
  • Adm/PAI Administrative/Potential Additional Investigation
  • ADNL A-Weighted Day-Night Level
  • ADPA American Defense Preparedness Association
  • ADUSD(E) Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environment)
  • AEA Atomic Energy Act of 1954
  • AEC Army Environmental Center
  • AEC Army Environmental Command
  • AECS Army Environmental Cleanup Strategy
  • AEDB Army Environmental Database
  • AEDB-CC Army Environmental Database - Compliance-related Cleanup
  • AEDB-EQ Army Environmental Database - Environmental Quality
  • AEDB-R Army Environmental Database Restoration
  • AELC Army Environmental Legislative Committee
  • AEP Army Environmental Program
  • AEPI Army Environmental Policy Institute
  • AERIMS Army Environmental Reporting and Information Management Systems
  • AETC Air Education Training Center
  • AFARS Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
  • AF Air Force
  • AFB Air Force Base
  • AFBCA Air Force Base Conversion Agency
  • AFCEE Air Force Center of Engineering and the Environment
  • AFDW Air Force District of Washington
  • AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology
  • AFLSA Air Force Legal Services Agency
  • AFMC Air Force Materiel Command
  • AFP Annual Funding Plan
  • AFPMB Armed Forces Pest Management Board
  • AFRES Air Force Reserves
  • AFSAM Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine
  • AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Command
  • AFSPC Air Force Space Command
  • AFV Alternative Fuel Vehicle
  • Agt Agent
  • AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
  • AHPA Archeological and Historic Preservation Act
  • AIM ATTACC Integration Module
  • AIMO Associated Industries of Missouri
  • AIRFA American Indian Religious Freedom Act
  • AIS Automated Information System
  • AIT Advanced Individual Training
  • AKARNG Alaska Army National Guard
  • ALMC Army Logistics Management College
  • AM Action Memorandum
  • AMC Army Materiel Command
  • AMC Air Mobility Command
  • AMCI&SA U.S. Army Material Command, Installation and Services Activity
  • AMCOM US Army Aviation and Missile Command
  • AMEDD Army Medical Department
  • AMEDDC&S Army Medical Department Center and School
  • Ammo Ammunition
  • AMP Asbestos Management Plan
  • AMRP Army Master Range Plan
  • AMS Army Management Structure
  • AMSC Army Management Staff College
  • AMT Asbestos Management Team
  • ANCOC Advanced NCO Course
  • ANG Air National Guard
  • ANGB Air National Guard Base
  • ANPR Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
  • ANSI American National Standards Institute
  • AO Action Officer
  • AO Administrative Orders
  • AOC Area of Concern
  • APA American Planning Association
  • APAR Affected Property Assessment Reports
  • APC Armored Personnel Carrier
  • APP Affirmative Procurement Program
  • APPSO Army Acquisition Pollution Prevention Support Office
  • APZ Accident Potential Zone
  • AQCR Air Quality Control Region
  • AQI Air Quality Index
  • AR Administrative Record
  • AR Army Regulation
  • ARA Accelerated Remedial Action
  • ARAR Alabama Risk Based Corrective Action
  • ARAR Applicable or Relevant Appropriate Requirements
  • ARDEC U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
  • ARID Army Range Inventory Database
  • ARL Army Research Laboratory
  • ARNG Army National Guard
  • ARNG-MTC Army National Guard - Maneuver Training Center
  • AROC Army Requirements Oversight Council
  • ARPA Archeological Resources Protection Act
  • ARPTP Archeological Resources Protection Training Program
  • ARRP Army Radon Reduction Program
  • ARSIC Army Range Sustainment Integration Council
  • ARSTAF Army staff
  • ASA(ALT) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology)
  • ASA(CW) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
  • ASA(FM&C) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management & Comptroller)
  • ASA(I&E) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Environment)
  • ASARC Army System Acquisition Review Council
  • ASC Army Senior Consultant
  • ASG Area Support Group
  • ASP Ammunition Supply Point
  • ASR Archive Search Report
  • ASRP Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program
  • AST Above ground Storage Tank
  • ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
  • ASTSWMO Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials
  • AT Abandoned Tank
  • ATC U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center
  • ATEC Army Test and Evaluation Command
  • ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
  • ATTACC Army Training and Testing Area Carrying Capacity
  • ATV All Terrain Vehicle
  • ASVE Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction
  • AU Animal Unit
  • AUL Authorized User List
  • AUTODIN Automated Digital Information Network
  • AVGAS Aviation Gasoline
  • AVP Aerial Validation Plan
  • AWMA Air and Waste Management Association
  • AWQC Ambient Water Quality Criteria
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  • BA Biological Assessment
  • BA Budget Area
  • BAA Broad Agency Announcement
  • BASOPS base operations
  • BAT Best Available Technology
  • BBS Bulletin Board System
  • BCA Base Closure Account
  • BCP Base Closure Plan
  • BCP BRAC Cleanup Plan
  • BCT BRAC Cleanup Team
  • BD/DR Building Demolition and Debris Removal
  • BDAT Best Demonstrated Available Technology
  • BEC BRAC Environmental Coordinator
  • BES Budget Estimate Submission
  • BFIST Bradley Fire Support Team
  • BFVS Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems
  • Bgs Below ground surface
  • BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs
  • BIFs Boilers and Industrial Furnaces
  • BLM Bureau of Land Management
  • BMP Best Management Practice
  • BMS Best Management System
  • BNCOC Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course
  • BO Biological Opinion
  • BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
  • BOR Bureau of Reclamation
  • BOS Battlefield Operating Systems
  • BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement
  • BRAC Base Realignment and Closure
  • BRAC ERP BRAC Environmental Restoration Program
  • BRACO Base Realignment and Closure Office
  • BSB Base Support Battalion
  • BTAG Biological Technical Assistance Group
  • BTC BRAC Transition Coordinator
  • BTEX Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene
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  • C&D Construction and Demolition
  • CA Cooperative Agreement
  • CA Comprehensive Agreement
  • CA Commercial Activity
  • CAA Clean Air Act
  • CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments
  • CADD Computer-Aided Design and Drafting
  • CAG Community Advisory Group
  • CAIRA Chemical Accident/Incident Response and Assistance
  • CAIS Chemical Agent Identification Sets
  • Cal/EPA California Environmental Protection Agency
  • CAM Compliance Assurance Monitoring
  • CAMU Corrective Action Management Unit
  • CAP Corrective Action Plan
  • CAP Conservation Assistance Program
  • CAR Chief, Army Reserve
  • CARB California Air Resources Board
  • CARC Chemical Agent Resistant Compound
  • CARD Cost Analysis Requirements Description
  • CAS Chemical Abstract System
  • CATCHMAT Centralized Army Tracking and Control of Hazardous Material
  • CBDCOM U.S. Army Chemical and Biological Defense Command
  • CBEP Community Based Environmental Protection
  • CBI Confidential Business Information
  • CBT Computer-Based Training
  • CC Compliance Cleanup
  • CCAR Coordinating Committee for Automotive Repair
  • CCMB Configuration Control Management Board
  • CCMP Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan
  • CCP Comprehensive Conservation Plan
  • CDC Centers for Disease Control
  • CDC Contained Detonation Chamber
  • CDNL C-weighted day-night level
  • CEAC Cost and Economics Analysis Center
  • CECOM Communications Electronics Command
  • CECOS Civil Engineer Corps Officers' School
  • CEE Center for Environmental Education
  • CEI Compliance Evaluation Inspection
  • CEMP Comprehensive Environmental Management Plan
  • CEPPO Chemical Emergency and Preparedness Office
  • CEQ Council on Environmental Quality
  • CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
  • CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System
  • CERFA Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act
  • CERL (U.S. Army) Corps of Engineers Construction and Engineering Research Laboratory
  • CESQG Conditionally Exempt Small-Quantity Generator
  • CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
  • CFR Code of Federal Regulations
  • CG Coast Guard
  • CG Commanding General
  • CHAMMP Comprehensive Hazardous Material Management Programs
  • CHF Contaminant Hazard Factor
  • CHPPM (U.S. Army) Center for Health Promotion and Prevention
  • CHRIMP Consolidated Hazardous Material Reutilization and Inventory Management Program
  • CI Community Involvement
  • CIC U.S. EPA Community Involvement Coordinator
  • CICA Competition in Contracting Act
  • CINWL Commercial Industrial Nonhazardous Waste Landfill
  • CISWI Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incinerator
  • CLIN Contract Line Item Number
  • CM Configuration Management
  • CMA Chemical Materials Agency
  • CMI Corrective Measures Implementation
  • CMI(C) Corrective Measures Implementation - Construction
  • CMI(O) Corrective Measures Implementation - Operations
  • CMPSC Charles Melvin Price Support Center
  • CMS Corrective Measures Study
  • CN Chloroacetophenone (Riot Gas)
  • CO Carbon Monoxide
  • COC Chemical of Concern
  • COE Corps of Engineers
  • COL Colonel
  • Contam Contaminated
  • CONUS Continental United States
  • COPC Contaminants of Potential Concern
  • COPEC Chemicals of Potential Ecological Concern
  • COR Contracting Officer's Representative
  • COTS Commercial Off The Shelf
  • CPA Chief, Public Affairs
  • CPAF Cost Plus Award Fee
  • CPFF Cost Plus Fixed Fee
  • CPG Comprehensive Procurement Guide
  • CPIF Cost Plus Incentive Fee
  • CPOL Civilian Personnel Online
  • CRA Continuing Resolution Authority
  • CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreements
  • CRB Cost Review Board
  • CREO Central Regional Environmental Office
  • CRM Cultural Resources Manager
  • CRO Community Reuse Organization
  • CRP Community Relations Plan
  • CRP Conservation Reserve Program
  • CRREL Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
  • CRWQCB California Regional Water Quality Control Board
  • CS Confirmation Study
  • CSA Chief of Staff, Army
  • CSM Conceptual Site Model
  • CSO Combined Sewer Overflow
  • CSR Code of State Regulations
  • CSREES Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
  • CTC Cost To Complete
  • CTC Concurrent Technologies Corporation
  • CTIC Conservation Technology Information Center
  • CTT Closing, Transferring and Transferred ranges
  • CWA Clean Water Act
  • CWF Civil Works Facility
  • CX Categorical Exclusion
  • CY Calendar Year, Current Year
  • CZARA Coastal Zone Ace Reauthorization Amendments
  • CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act
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  • D&R ROD Disposal and Reuse Record of Decision
  • DA Department of the Army
  • DA PAM Department of the Army pamphlet
  • DAB Defense Acquisition Board
  • DAC Defense Ammunition Center
  • DAIG Department of the Army Inspector General
  • DASA (ESOH) Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health)
  • DASA (R&T) Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research and Technology)
  • dB Decibel
  • dBA Decibel, A-weighted
  • dBC Decibel, C-weighted
  • dBP Decibel, unweighted (peak)
  • DBP Disinfection Byproduct
  • DBPR Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • DCM Decision Criteria Matrix
  • DD Decision Document
  • DDD Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane
  • DDE Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethene
  • DDESB Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board
  • DDOU Drum Disposal Operable Unit
  • DDR&E Defense Research and Engineering
  • DDS Data Delivery System
  • DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
  • DEA Data Exchange Agreement
  • DEH Directorate of Engineering and Housing
  • DEHNR Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources
  • DEI Directorate of Environmental Integration
  • DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement
  • DEMIS Defense Environmental Management Information System
  • DENIX Defense Environmental Network and Information eXchange
  • DEP Director of Environmental Programs
  • DERA Defense Environmental Restoration Account
  • DERP Defense Environmental Restoration Program
  • DERTF Defense Environmental Response Task Force
  • DES Design
  • DESCIM Defense Environmental Security Corporate Information Management
  • DESIC Defense Environmental Security International Cooperation
  • DFAS Defense Finance Accounting Service
  • DFAS Defense Financial Accounting System
  • DFD Design for Demilitarization
  • DFEL Directorate of Facilities Engineering and Logistics
  • DFSC Defense Fuel Supply Center
  • DFSP Defense Fuel Support Point
  • DFW Dallas/Fort Worth
  • DGSC Defense General Supply Center
  • DISC4 Director of Information Systems for Command, Control, Communication, and Computers
  • DLA Defense Logistics Agency
  • DMM Discarded Military Munitions
  • DNA Defense Nuclear Agency
  • DNL Day-Night Level
  • DNR Department of Natural Resources
  • DNT Dinitrotoluene
  • DoD Department of Defense
  • DODD Department of Defense Directive
  • DODI Department of Defense Instruction
  • DODIG Department of Defense Inspector General
  • DOE Department of Energy
  • DOI Department of the Interior
  • DOIT Development of Onsite Innovative Technologies
  • DOJ Department of Justice
  • DOL Directorate of Logistics
  • DOPAA Description of the Proposed Action and Alternatives
  • DOT Department of Transportation
  • DOTMLPF Doctrine, Organizations, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, and Facilities
  • DPG Defense Planning Guidance
  • DPTM Directorate of Plans, Training and Mobilization
  • DPW Directorate of Public Works
  • DQM Data Quality Management
  • DQO Data Quality Objective
  • DRA Defense Reauthorization Act
  • DRID Defense Reform Initiative Directive
  • DRMO Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office
  • DRMS Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
  • DSA Deputy for System Acquisition
  • DSERTS Defense Site Environmental Restoration Tracking System
  • DSMOA Defense-State Memoranda of Agreement
  • DSRP Drainage Structure Removal Program
  • DST Decision Support Tools
  • DTLOMS Doctrine, Training, Leader Development, Organization, Materiel Requirements and Soldier Support
  • DTPs Detailed Test Plans
  • DTSC Department of Toxic Substances Control
  • DU Dobson Unit
  • DUSD (ES) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security)
  • DWNS Drinking Water Needs Survey
  • DWTP Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant
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  • E&P Exploration and Production
  • E/P Evaporation and Percolation
  • EA Executive Agent
  • EA Environmental Assessment
  • EBS Environmental Baseline Survey
  • ECAMP Environmental Compliance Assessment and Management Program
  • ECAP Environmental Compliance Assessment Program
  • ECAR Environmental Compliance Assessment Report
  • ECAS Environmental Compliance Assessment System
  • ECHO Enforcement and Compliance History Online
  • ECM Environmental Climate Model
  • ECOP Environmental Condition of Property
  • ECOS Environmental Council of the States
  • ECP Engineering Change Proposal
  • ECSR Environmental Compliance Status Report
  • EDB Ethylene Dibromide
  • EE/CA Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis
  • EFARS Engineer Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
  • EFI Efficient Facilities Initiative
  • EI/AA Environmental Investigation and Alternatives Analysis
  • EIA Environmental Impact Analysis
  • EIAP Environmental Impact Analysis Process
  • EIR Environmental Impact Report
  • EIS Environmental Impact Statement
  • EITM Environmental Information Technology Management
  • EL/RAMP Environmental Legislative/Regulatory Analysis and Monitoring Program
  • EL/RAMP-F EL/RAMP, Federal
  • EL/RAMP-S EL/RAMP, State
  • ELCCE Environmental Life Cycle Cost Estimates
  • ELD Environmental Law Division
  • ELS Environmental Law Specialist
  • EMMA Explosives Munitions Manufacturing Area
  • EMR Environmental Management Review
  • EMS Environmental Management System
  • EMT Environmental Management Team
  • ENF Enforcement Action
  • ENMP Environmental Noise Management Program
  • ENVEIS Environmental Engineering Information System
  • EO Executive Order
  • EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal
  • EPA Environmental Protection Agency
  • EPAR Environmental Program Assessment Report
  • EPA-RTP EPA-Research Triangle Park
  • EPAS Environmental Performance Assessment System
  • EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
  • EPCRA-TRI Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act-Toxic Release Inventory
  • EPIC Environmental Process Improvement Center
  • EPR Environmental Program Requirements
  • EPR Extended Product Responsibility
  • EPRWeb Environmental Program Requirements Web
  • EPS Environmental Performance Standards
  • EQ Environmental Quality
  • EQB Environmental Quality Board
  • EQCC Environmental Quality Control Committee
  • EQIA Environmental Quality Impact Analysis
  • EQLCCE Environmental Quality Life Cycle Cost Estimate
  • EQR Environmental Quality Report
  • EQT Environmental Quality Technology
  • E&RC Environmental and Readiness Center
  • ER Engineer Regulation
  • ER Environmental Restoration
  • ER, A Environmental Restoration, Army
  • ERA Ecological Risk Assessment
  • ERC Emission Reduction Credit
  • ERCM Environmental Regulatory Climate Model
  • ERDC (U.S. Army) Engineer Research and Development Center
  • ERIS Environmental Restoration Information System
  • ER-L Environmental Response-Low
  • ERNS Emergency Response Notification System
  • ERP Environmental Restoration Program
  • ERRS Emergency and Rapid Response Services
  • ERTP Environmental Response Training Program
  • ESA Endangered Species Act
  • ESC EQT Steering Committee
  • ESD Explanation of Significant Differences
  • ESH Environmental, Safety and Health
  • ESI Expanded Site Inspection
  • ESMG Endangered Species Management Guideline
  • ESMP Endangered Species Management Plan
  • ESOH Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health
  • ESRM Environmental Support to Ranges and Munitions
  • ESTCP Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
  • ESTCP Environmental Strategic Technology Certification Program
  • ESTRG Environmental Security Technology Requirements Group
  • ETI Extraction, Treatment, and Infiltration
  • ETMD Environmental Training and Management Division
  • ETR Extraction, Treatment, and Reinjection
  • ETTC Environmental Technology Transfer Committee
  • ETWG Environmental Training Workgroup
  • EVR Enhanced Vapor Recovery
  • EW Extraction Well
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  • FAA Federal Aviation Administration
  • FACNET Federal Acquisition Computer Network
  • FAD Funding Authorization Document
  • FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
  • FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations
  • FARA Federal Acquisition Reform Act
  • FASA Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act
  • FASTT Field Assistance Support and Technology Transfer
  • FCA Full Cost Accounting
  • FCCC Framework Convention on Climate Change
  • FDA Federal Drug Administration
  • FDEP Florida Department of Environmental Protection
  • FDNR Florida Department of Natural Resources
  • FEIR Final Environmental Impact Report
  • FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement
  • FEMA U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • FES Fielding Environmental Solutions
  • FFA Federal Facility Agreement
  • FFCA Federal Facilities Compliance Act
  • FFEO Federal Facilities Enforcement Office
  • FFERDC Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee
  • FFP Firm Fixed Price
  • FFS Focused Feasibility Study
  • FFSRA Federal Facility Site Remediation Agreement
  • FGS Final Governing Standards
  • FHM Forest Health Monitoring
  • FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act
  • Flam Flammable
  • FLETC Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
  • FM Facilities Management
  • FMR Fair Market Rent
  • FMU Forest Management Unit
  • FOA Field Operating Activity
  • FOIA Freedom of Information Act
  • FONSI Finding Of No Significant Impact
  • FORSCOM U.S. Army Forces Command
  • FOSET Finding of Suitability to Early Transfer
  • FOSL Finding of Suitability to Lease
  • FOST Finding of Suitability to Transfer
  • FOTW Federally Owned Treatment Works
  • FOUO For Official Use Only
  • FoV Family of Vehicles
  • FPI Fixed Price Incentive
  • FR Federal Register
  • FRA Final Remedial Action
  • FRTR Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable
  • FS Feasibility Study
  • FSP Field Sampling Plan
  • Ft feet
  • FTA Fire Training Area
  • FTC Federal Track Coordinator
  • FTIR Fourier Transform Infrared System
  • FUA Facility Use Agreement
  • FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites
  • FWCA Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
  • FWPCA Federal Water Pollution Control Act
  • FY Fiscal year
  • FYDP Future Year Defense Plan
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  • G3 Staff operations office at Army division level or above
  • G4 Staff logistics office at Army division level or above
  • GAC Granular Activated Carbon
  • Gal/d Gallons per day
  • GAO General Accounting Office
  • GC Gas Chromatographic
  • GC Garrison Commander
  • GC/MS Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer
  • GCP General Construction Permit
  • GETS Groundwater Extraction and Treatment System
  • GFPR Guaranteed Fixed Price Remediation
  • GIS Geographic Information System
  • G&M Gun and Mortar
  • GMS Groundwater Modeling System
  • GO General Officer
  • GOCO Government-Owned, Contractor-Operated
  • GPS Global Positioning System
  • GPD Gallons Per Day
  • GPM Gallons per minute
  • GPO Government Printing Office
  • GPR Ground Penetrating Radar
  • GPRA Government Performance and Results Act
  • GRFL Groundwater Remediation Field Laboratory
  • GSA General Services Administration
  • GW Groundwater
  • GW OU Groundwater Operating Unit
  • GWAAP Groundwater Assessment and Abatement Plan
  • GWETER Groundwater Extraction and Treatment Effectiveness Reviews
  • GWQA Groundwater Quality Assessment
  • GWTP Groundwater Treatment Plant
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  • HA Health Assessment
  • Ha Hectares
  • HAP Hazardous Air Pollutant
  • HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
  • HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
  • HAZWRAP Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program
  • HB House Bill
  • HE High Explosives
  • HEAST Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables
  • HFCs Hydrofluorcarbons
  • HGA Houston/Galveston Area
  • HHW Household Waste
  • HI Hazard Index
  • HJR House Joint Resolution
  • HM Hazardous Material
  • HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Resource System
  • HMIS Hazardous Material Information System
  • HMIWI Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerator
  • HMMP Hazardous Materials Management Program
  • HMTA Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
  • HMX cyclotetramethylene
  • HMX High Melting Point Explosive
  • HN Host Nation
  • HPC Historic Properties Component
  • HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  • HQ Headquarters
  • HQ FORSCOM Headquarters US Army Forces Command
  • HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army
  • HQDA, G-3 Headquarters, Department of the Army G-3
  • HQDA, G-4 Headquarters, Department of the Army G-4
  • HRR Historical Records Review
  • HRS Hazard Ranking System
  • HRS2 Hazardous Ranking System Score
  • HRVOC Highly Reactive Volatile Organic Compounds
  • HSB House Study Bill
  • HSMS Hazardous Substance Management System
  • HSP Health and Safety Plan
  • HSSA Health Service Support Area
  • HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984
  • HTRW Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste
  • HTW Hazardous and Toxic Waste
  • HUTA High-use Target Area
  • HVLP High Volume Low Pressure
  • HW Hazardous Waste
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  • I&M Inspection and Maintenance
  • IA Installation Assessment
  • IAGWSP Impact Area Groundwater Study Program
  • I/I Infiltration and Inflow
  • IAAP Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
  • IAC Iowa Administrative Code
  • IAG Interagency Agreement
  • IAP Installation Action Plan
  • IART Impact Area Review Team
  • IAS Initial Assessment Study
  • IBR Incorporated by Reference
  • IC Installation Commander
  • ICAP Installation Corrective Action Plan
  • ICM Interim Corrective Measure
  • ICRMP Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan
  • ID Identification
  • IDIQ Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity
  • IDNR Iowa Department of Natural Resources
  • IDSR Interim Data Summary Report
  • IDW Investigation-Derived Waste
  • IESWTR Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • IETO Interagency Environmental Technologies Office
  • IG Inspector General
  • IGC Independent Government Cost Estimate
  • IGCE Independent Government Cost Estimate
  • IIA Initial Installation Assessment
  • IIAP Installation Internal Assessment Plan
  • IISC ITAM Installation Steering Committee
  • ILA Initial Installation Assessment
  • IM Interim Measures
  • IMA Installation Management Agency
  • IMCOM Installation Management Command
  • IMI Installation Management Institute
  • IMLUCC Interagency Military Land Use Coordination Committee
  • IMR Installation Management Region Office
  • INRMP Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan
  • INSTEP International Society of Technical and Environmental Professionals
  • IPCC Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change
  • IPM Integrated Pest Management
  • IMP(C) Implementation (Construction)
  • IMP(O) Implementation (Operation)
  • INV Investigation
  • IPMC Installation Pest Management Coordinator
  • IPMP Integrated Pest Management Plan
  • IPR In Process Review
  • IPR In Progress Review
  • IPT Integrated Process Team
  • IRA Interim Remedial Action
  • IRDMIS Installation Restoration Data Management Information System
  • IRIS Integrated Risk Information System
  • IRP Installation Restoration Program
  • IS Industry Standard
  • ISC Information Systems Command
  • ISCO In situ Chemical Oxidation
  • ISCP Installation Spill Contingency Plan
  • ISEERB Interservice Environmental Education Review Board
  • ISMA Installation Support Management Activity
  • ISO International Organization for Standardization
  • ISP Installation Sustainability Programs
  • ISR Installation Status Report
  • ISR-II Installation Status Report-Environment
  • ISSA Inter/Intra-Service Support Agreement
  • ISV In situ Volatilization
  • ISWM Integrated Solid Waste Management
  • ISWMP Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan
  • ITAM Integrated Training Area Management
  • ITR Independent Technical Reviews
  • ITRC Interstate Technology Regulatory Council
  • ITRO Interservice Training Review Organization
  • IW Industrial Waste
  • IWAM Installation Workplan Analysis Module
  • IWFMP Integrated Wildland Fire Management Plan
  • IWTF Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility
  • IWTP Industrial Waste Treatment Plant
  • IWWS Industrial Waste Water Sewer
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  • JACADS Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System
  • JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • JG-APP Joint Group on Acquisition Pollution Prevention
  • JMC Joint Munitions Command
  • JP-4 Jet Propellant Number 4
  • JRTC Joint Readiness Training Center
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  • KAR Kansas Administrative Rules
  • KCMA Kansas City Metropolitan Area
  • KDA Kansas Department of Agriculture
  • KDHE Kansas Department of Health and Environment
  • Kg Kilogram
  • KO Contracting Officer
  • kW Kilowatt
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  • L Liter
  • LAC Louisiana Administrative Code
  • LACMD Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense
  • LAMW Low-Activity Mixed Waste
  • LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • LAP Load, Assemble And Pack
  • LAP Load-Assemble-Package
  • LB Legislative Bill
  • LBP Lead-Based Paint
  • LCAAP Lake City Army Ammunition Plant
  • LCCE Life-Cycle Cost Estimates
  • LCM Land Condition Module
  • LCTA Land Condition Trend Analysis
  • LD Legal Driver
  • LDEQ Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
  • LDR Land Disposal Restriction
  • LEL Lower Explosive Limit
  • LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee
  • LF Landfill
  • LIA Logistics Integration Agency
  • LID Low Impact Development
  • LLRW Low-Level Radioactive Waste
  • LOCID Location Identification
  • LOEL Lowest Observed Effects Level
  • LOI Letter of Instruction
  • LPDES Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
  • LPST Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank
  • LQG Large Quantity Generator
  • LRA Local Redevelopment Authority
  • LRAM Land Rehabilitation and Maintenance
  • LSI Listing Site Inspection
  • LT1ESWTR Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • LT2ESWTR Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • LT3 Low Temperature Thermo Treatment
  • LTM Long-Term Monitoring
  • LTO Long-Term Operation
  • LUC Land Use Control
  • LUPZ Land Use Planning Zone
  • LURS Land Use Requirements Statement
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  • M2R Military Munitions Rule
  • MAAP Milan Army Ammunition Plant
  • MACOM Major Army Command
  • MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology
  • MAG Magazine
  • MAINT Maintenance
  • MAIS Major Automated Information System
  • MAJCOM Major Command
  • MARKS Modern Army Record Keeping System
  • MARSSIM Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual
  • MATL Material
  • MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act
  • MC Munitions Constituents
  • MCA Military Construction, Army
  • MCB Marine Corps Base
  • MCAAP McAlester Army Ammunition Plant
  • MCAGCC Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center
  • MCAS Marine Corps Air Station
  • MCL Maximum Contaminant Level
  • MCLB Marine Corps Logistics Base
  • MCLG Maximum Contaminant Level Goal
  • MDAP Major Defense Acquisition Program
  • MDC Maximum Detected Concentration
  • MDL Method detection limit
  • MDNR Maryland Department of Natural Resources
  • MDNR Missouri Department of Natural Resources
  • MDS Minimum Desirable Streamflow
  • MDW Military District of Washington
  • MEC Munitions and Explosives of Concern
  • MEDCEN Medical Center
  • MEDCOM U.S. Army Medical Command
  • MEDDAC Medical Department Activity
  • MEG Military Environmental Group
  • MEK Methyl Ethyl Ketone
  • MEP Master Environmental Plan
  • MEPS Material/Environmental/Packaging/Special Process
  • MET Material/Environment Team
  • MFR Memorandum for Record
  • Mg milligrams
  • mg/kg Milligrams per Kilogram
  • mg/L Milligram per liter
  • mg/yr Megagrams per year
  • MGD Million Gallons Per Day
  • MIDIS Military Item Disposal Instruction System
  • MILCON Military Construction
  • MIPR military interdepartmental purchase request
  • MLRS Multi Launch Rocket System
  • MMR Massachusetts Military Reservation
  • MMRP Military Munitions Response Program
  • MNA Monitored Natural Attenuation
  • MOA Memorandum of Agreement
  • MOARNG Missouri Army National Guard
  • MOGAS Motor Gasoline
  • MOM Measure of Merit
  • MOS Military Occupational Specialty
  • MOU Memorandum of Understanding
  • MP Military Police
  • MP Mortar Position
  • MP&M Metal Products and Machinery
  • MPEO Master Plan Environmental Overlay
  • MPF Migration Pathway Factor
  • MPH Miles Per Hour
  • MPPEH Management of Material Presenting Potential Explosive Hazard
  • MPRSA Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act
  • MPS Minimum Performance Standards
  • MR Military Munitions Rule
  • MRDLGs Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goals
  • mrem millirem
  • mrem/yr millirem per year
  • MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
  • MSC Major Subordinate Command
  • MSC Mission Support Contract
  • MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
  • MSL Mean Sea Level
  • MSW Municipal Solid Waste
  • MSWG Multi-State Working Group
  • MSWLF Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
  • MSWTS Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Station
  • MTBE Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
  • MTC Maneuver Training Center
  • MTF Medical Treatment Facility
  • MTMC Military Traffic Management Command
  • MVEB Motor Vehicle Emission Budget
  • MVECP Motor Vehicle and Engine Compliance Program
  • MW Monitoring Well
  • MWC Municipal Waste Combustion
  • MWG Munitions Workgroup
  • MWR Morale, Welfare, and Recreation
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  • NA Natural Attenuation
  • NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standard
  • NAD Naval Ammunition Depot
  • NAGPRA Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
  • NAICS North American Industry Classification System
  • NAPL Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
  • NAS Naval Air Station
  • NAS National Aerospace Standard
  • NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Command
  • NAWC Naval Air Warfare Center
  • NAWS Naval Air Weapons Station
  • NBC Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
  • NCO Noncommissioned Officer
  • NCP National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan
  • NCPTT National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
  • NCS Naval Communication Station
  • ND Non-Detect
  • NDAA National Defense Authorization Act
  • NDCEE National Defense Center for Environmental Excellence
  • NDEQ Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
  • NDIA National Defense Industrial Association
  • NDMA N-nitrosodimethylamine
  • NE Not Evaluated
  • NEETF National Environmental Education & Training Foundation
  • NELP Navy Environmental Leadership Program
  • NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
  • NEPAIC National Environmental Policy Act Implementation Course
  • NERO IMA Northeast Regional Office of the Installation Management Agency
  • NESHAP National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
  • NETDP National Environmental Technology Demonstration Program
  • NFA No Further Action
  • NFESC Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
  • NFPA National Fire Protection Association
  • NFRAP No Further Response Action Planned
  • NG National Guard
  • NGB National Guard Bureau
  • NGWA National Ground Water Association
  • NHPA National Historic Preservation Act
  • NMAC New Mexico Administrative Code
  • NMED New Mexico Environment Department
  • NOAA National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
  • NOD Notice of Deficiency
  • NOI Notice of Intent
  • NOID Notice of Intent to Delete
  • NOR Notice Of Responsibility
  • NORM Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
  • NOV Notice of Violation
  • NOx Nitrogen Oxides
  • NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
  • NPDWR National Primary Drinking Water Regulation
  • NPL National Priorities List
  • NPS National Park Service
  • NPS Nonpoint Source
  • NQ Nitroguanidine
  • NR Not Required
  • NRC National Research Council
  • NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • NRD Natural Resource Damage
  • NRDA Natural Resource Damage Assessment
  • NREO Northern Regional Environmental Office
  • NREP National Registry of Environmental Professionals
  • NRHP National Register of Historic Places
  • NRI National Resources Inventory
  • NRI Natural Resource Injury
  • NRM Natural Resource Management
  • NRT Natural Resource Trustee
  • NRT National Response Team
  • NRTC National Research Trustee Council
  • NSDWR National Secondary Drinking Water Regulation
  • NSP New Source Performance
  • NSPS New Source Performance Standards
  • NSR New Source Review
  • NSWC Naval Surface Warfare Center
  • NTE Not To Exceed
  • NTI National Toxics Inventory
  • NTIS National Technical Information Service
  • NWCG National Wildfire Coordinating Group
  • NWIRP Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant
  • NWRO IMA Northwest Regional Office of the Installation Management Agency
  • NYS DEC New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
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  • O&M Operation and Maintenance
  • OAC Oklahoma Administrative Code
  • OACSIM Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
  • OAR Office of Air and Radiation
  • OASA (I&E) Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Logistics and Environment Installations
  • OB/OD Open Burning/Open Detonation
  • OC Office of Counsel
  • OCLL Office of the Chief, Legislative Liaison
  • OCONUS Outside the Continental United States
  • OCPA Office of the Chief of Public Affairs
  • OD Open Detonation
  • ODASA Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army
  • ODASA-CE Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Cost and Economics
  • ODC Ozone-Depleting Chemical
  • ODCSOPS Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans
  • ODEC Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
  • ODEP Office of the Director of Environmental Programs
  • ODUSD (ES) Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Environmental Security
  • OE Ordnance and Explosives
  • OEBGD Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document
  • OECA U.S. EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
  • OEESCM Operational and Environmental Executive Steering Committee on Munitions
  • OEMS Original Equipment Manufacturers
  • OERR Office of Emergency and Remedial Response
  • OEW Ordnance and Explosive Waste
  • OFEE Office of the Federal Environmental Executive
  • OFR Office of the Federal Register
  • OGC Office of General Counsel
  • OIPT Overarching Integration Process Team
  • OMA Operation and Maintenance Account
  • OMA Operations and Maintenance and Army
  • OMB Office of Management and Budget
  • OMEG Oklahoma Military Environmental Group
  • OPA Office of Public Affairs
  • OPA Other Procurements Army
  • OPM Office of Personnel Management
  • OPORD Operation Order
  • OPPA Oil Pollution and Prevention Act
  • OPPT U.S. EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
  • OPSEC Operations Security
  • ORC Office of Regional Counsel
  • ORD Operational Requirements Document
  • ORISE Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
  • ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • ORV Off-Road Vehicle
  • ORVR Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery
  • OSC On-Scene Coordinator
  • OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense
  • OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • OSPRA Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act
  • OSSF On-Site Sewage Facility
  • OSW U.S. EPA Office of Solid Waste
  • OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
  • OTJAG Office of the Judge Advocate General
  • OTSG Office of the Surgeon General
  • OU Operable Unit
  • OUST U.S. EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks
  • OWS Oil/Water Separator
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  • P2 Pollution Prevention
  • P2&ETD Pollution Prevention and Environmental Technology Division
  • PA Programmatic Agreement
  • PA Preliminary Agreement
  • PA/SI Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection
  • PA/VSI Preliminary Assessment and Visual Site Inspection
  • PAA Program Assistance Announcement
  • PACAF Pacific Air Forces
  • PAH Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon
  • PAL Plant-wide Applicability Limitation
  • PAM Pamphlet
  • PAMS Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations
  • PAO Public Affairs Office
  • PAPA Pollution Abatement and Prevention Analysis
  • PAS Preliminary Assessment Statement
  • PASS Permit Application Software System
  • PASS Procurement Automated Source System
  • PAT Process Action Team
  • PAYT Pays As You Throw
  • PB President's Budget
  • PBC Performance-Based Contracting
  • PBD Program Budget Decision
  • PBDE Polybrominated diphenyl ethers
  • PBR Permit By Rule
  • PBT Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxin
  • PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl
  • PCDR Permanent Cleanup Document Repository
  • PCE Tetrachloroethylene
  • PCi/kg Pico curies per kilogram
  • PCi/l Pico curies per liter
  • PD Policy Decision
  • PDM Program Decision Memorandum
  • PDO Property Disposal Office
  • PDSC Professional Development Support Center
  • PEAR Project Accounting Report
  • PEECP Pilot Expedited Environmental Cleanup Program
  • PEIS Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
  • PEMS Predictive Emission Monitoring Systems
  • PEO Program Executive Office
  • PER Permitting for Environmental Results
  • PESHE Programmatic Environment, Safety, and Health Evaluation
  • PF Problem Formulation
  • PFCs Perfluorinated Carbons
  • PFTC Prescribed Fire Training Center
  • PGRS Plume Groundwater Recovery System
  • PHC Petroleum Hydrocarbons
  • PID Photoionization Detector
  • PIP Public Involvement Plan
  • PL Public Law
  • PLANTS Plant list of Accepted Nomenclature, Taxonomy, and Symbols
  • PLDC Primary Leadership Development Course
  • PLI Private Lands Initiative
  • PLS Planning Level Survey
  • PM Particulate Matter
  • PM Pest Management
  • PM Program, Project, or Product Manager
  • PMC Pest Management Consultant
  • PMCD Program Manager, Chemical Demilitarization
  • PMO Program Management Office
  • PMQAE Pest Management Quality Assurance Evaluator
  • PO Project Officer
  • POC Point Of Contact
  • POD Pacific Ocean Division
  • POL Petroleum, Oil, Lubricants
  • POM Program Objective Memorandum
  • POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works
  • POV Privately-Owned Vehicle
  • POW Prisoner of War
  • PP Proposed Plan
  • PPB Parts Per Billion
  • PPBES Programming, Planning, Budgeting, and Execution System
  • PPBS Planning Programming and Budgeting System
  • PPM Part Per Million
  • PPMP Professional Pest Management Personnel
  • PR Procurement Request
  • PRG Preliminary Remediation Goal
  • PRP Potentially Responsible Party
  • PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration
  • PST Petroleum Storage Tank
  • PSTFF Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund
  • PTE Potential To Emit
  • PTT Pillar Technology Teams
  • PVC Polyvinyl chloride
  • PWS Public Water System
  • PY Prior Year
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  • QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
  • QAPP Quality Assurance Program Plan
  • QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan
  • QRP Qualified Recycling Program
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  • R&D Research and Development
  • RA Remedial Action
  • RA Removal Action
  • RA Risk Assessment
  • RA(C) Remedial Action - Construction
  • RA(O) Remedial Action - Operation
  • RAB Restoration Advisory Board
  • RAC Risk Assessment Code
  • RACER Remedial Action Cost Engineering Requirements
  • RACM Reasonably Available Control Measures
  • RACT Reasonably Available Control Technology
  • RAO Remedial Action Operation
  • RAOP Remedial Action - Operation
  • RAP Remedial Action Plan
  • RBAC Recycling and Reuse Business Assistance Center
  • RBC Risk Based Corrective Action
  • RBCA Risk Based Corrective Action
  • RC Regional Command
  • RC Response Complete
  • RCI Residential Communities Initiative
  • RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
  • RCRIS RCRA Information System
  • RCS Reports Control System
  • RCTCS Restoration Cost To Complete System
  • RCW Red-Cockaded Woodpecker
  • RD Remedial Design
  • RD&D Research, Development and Demonstration
  • RD/RA Remedial Design and Remedial Action
  • RDO Research and Development Office'
  • RDT&E Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation
  • RDX Royal Demolition eXplosive
  • REA Regional Executive Agent
  • REC Record of Environmental Consideration
  • REC Regional Environmental Center
  • REGFORM Regulatory Environmental Group for Missouri
  • REM Removal
  • REO Regional Environmental Office
  • RF Receptor Factor
  • RFA RCRA Facility Assessment
  • RfC Reference Concentration
  • RfD Reference Dose
  • RFG Reformulated Gasoline
  • RFI RCRA Facility Investigation
  • RFP Request for Proposal
  • RFR Request for Response
  • RI Remedial Investigation
  • RI/FS Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study
  • RI/RA Remedial Investigation / Risk Assessment
  • RICE Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine
  • RIFSAP Remedial Investigation Field Sampling and Analysis Plan
  • RIP Remedies in Place
  • RMAN Recovered Materials Advisory Notice
  • RMIS Restoration Management Information System
  • RMP Risk Management Plan
  • ROD Record of Decision
  • ROTC Reserve Officers' Training Corps
  • RPM Remedial Project Manager
  • RPMA Real Property Maintenance Account
  • RPMP Real Property Master Plan
  • RPR Repair
  • RPTS Reimbursable Programs Tracking System
  • RRA Rapid Response Action
  • RRAD Red River Army Depot
  • RRC Requirements Review Council
  • RRSE Relative Risk Site Evaluation
  • RRT Regional Response Team
  • RSC Regional Support Center
  • RSC Regional Support Command
  • RSC Reserve Support Command
  • RSUG Remote Sensing User Guide
  • RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board
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  • S&A Supervision and Administration
  • S&R Supervision and Remediation
  • SA Secretary of the Army
  • SACM Superfund Accelerated Cleanup Model
  • SADBU Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
  • SAF Subject to Availability of Funds
  • SAFER Streamline Approach for Environmental Restoration
  • SAME Society of American Military Engineers
  • SAP Sampling and Analysis Plan
  • SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986
  • SAT Simplified Acquisition Threshold
  • SATA Superfund Analytical Technical Assistance
  • SB Senate Bill
  • SBA Small Business Administration
  • SC Site Closeout
  • SCA Service Contract Act
  • SCA Student Conservation Association
  • SCAPS Site Characterization and Analysis Penetrometer System
  • SCP Spill Contingency Plan
  • SDC Strategic Defense Command
  • SDD sustainable design and development
  • SDSDIE Spatial Data Standards for Facilities Infrastructure and Environment
  • SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act
  • SDWAA Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments
  • SDWIS Safe Drinking Water Information System
  • SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
  • SECDEF Secretary of Defense
  • SEP System Engineering Process
  • SERC State Emergency Response Commission
  • SERDP Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program
  • SERO IMA Southeast Regional Office of the Installation Management Agency
  • SERO IMA-ARD Southeast Regional Office of the Installation Management Agency - Army Reserve Division
  • SES Senior Executive Service
  • SF Slope Factor
  • SHA Site Hazard Assessment
  • SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer
  • SI Site Inspection
  • SIC Standard Industrial Classification
  • SIFO Site Investigation Follow-on
  • SIP State Implementation Plan
  • SITE Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation
  • SJA Staff Judge Advocate
  • SM Senate Measure
  • SMCLs Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels
  • SOC Statement of Condition
  • SOFA Status of Forces Agreement
  • SOH Safety and Occupational Health
  • SOP Standard Operating Procedure; also Standing Operating Procedure
  • SOU Source Operable Unit
  • SOW Statement of Work
  • SOW Scope of Work
  • SPCC Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure
  • SPCCP Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan
  • SPEIM System Performance and Ecological Impact Monitoring
  • SPiRiT Sustainable Project Rating Tool
  • SQG Small Quantity Generator
  • SQI Submerged Quench Incinerator
  • SRAMP State Regulatory Analysis and Monitoring Program
  • SRCPP Solvent Refined Coal Pilot Plant
  • SREO Southern Regional Environmental Office
  • SRM Sustainment, Restoration, and Maintenance
  • SRP Sustainable Range Program
  • SRTV Soldiers Radio and Television
  • SS Surface Soil
  • SSA Sewage Sludge Application
  • SSES Sewer System Evaluation Survey
  • SSI Site Screening Inspection
  • SSL Soil Screening Level
  • SSO Sanitary Sewer Overflow
  • START Superfund Technical Assistance and Response Team
  • STCL Soil Target Cleanup Level
  • Std Standard
  • STGE Storage
  • STM Short-Term Measure
  • STP sewage treatment plant
  • SVE Soil Vapor Extraction
  • SVOC Semi Volatile Organic Compound
  • SW Storm Water
  • SW Surface water
  • SWARS Solid Waste Annual Reporting System
  • SWDA Solid Waste Disposal Act
  • SWMU Solid Waste Management Unit
  • SWQS Surface Water Quality Standards
  • SWRO IMA Southwest Regional Office of the Installation Management Agency
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  • 1,1,1 TCA 1,1,1 Trichloroethane
  • T for C Terminate for Convenience
  • T&E Threatened and Endangered Species
  • T&M Time and Material
  • TAC Texas Administrative Code
  • TACOM Tank-automotive and Armaments Command
  • TAG Technical Assistance Grant
  • TAPP Technical Assistance for Public Participation
  • TARDEC Tank and Automotive Research, Development & Engineering Center
  • TB Technical Bulletin
  • TB MED Technical Bulletin, Medical
  • TBD To Be Determined
  • TC Training Circular
  • TCA Trichloroethane
  • TCE Trichloroethylene
  • TCEQ Texas Commission on Environment Quality
  • TCL Target Compound List
  • TCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
  • TCM Transportation Control Measure
  • TCP 1,2,3-trichloropropane
  • TCRA Time-Critical Removal Action
  • TDS Total Dissolved Solids
  • TEAM The Environmental Assessment Management
  • TECOM Test and Evaluation Command
  • TEMP Template Environmental Management Plan
  • TERC Total Environmental Restoration Contracts
  • TERP Texas Emissions Reduction Plan
  • THPO Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
  • TI Technical Impractibility
  • TIC Technical Information Center
  • TIM Transformation of Installation Management
  • TIM Technical Information Memorandum
  • TIPPP Tidewater Interagency Pollution Prevention Program
  • TJAG The Judge Advocate General
  • TM Technical Manual
  • TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load
  • TNC The Nature Conservancy
  • TNRCC Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
  • TNT Trinitrotoluene
  • TO Task Order
  • TOA Trace Organic Analysis
  • TOA Total Obligation Authority
  • TOSC Technical Outreach Services for Communities
  • TPDES Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
  • TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
  • TPM Technical Project Manager
  • TPY Tons Per Year
  • TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command
  • TRC Technical Review Committee
  • TRI Toxic Release Inventory
  • TRI-DDS Toxic Release Inventory-Data Delivery System
  • TRRP Texas Risk Reduction Program
  • TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act
  • TSD Training Support Division
  • TSD Treatment, Storage or Disposal
  • TSDF Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility
  • TSDR Treatment, Storage, Disposal and Recycling
  • TSG The Surgeon General
  • TSP Total Suspended Particulates
  • TSS Total Suspended Solids
  • TU Temporary Unit
  • TXEP Texas Environmental Partnership
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  • UDEQ Utah Department of Environmental Quality
  • UDLPGSD United Defense Limited Partnership Ground Division
  • UFR Unfinanced Requirement
  • ug/g Micrograms per gram
  • ug/l Microgram Per Liter
  • UIC Underground Injection Control
  • URA Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970
  • USAAA United States Army Audit Agency
  • USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • USACERL U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories
  • USACHPPM U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
  • USACMDA US Army Chemical Materiel Destruction Agency
  • USACOE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • USAEC U.S. Army Environmental Center
  • USAEC U.S. Army Environmental Command
  • USAEHA US Army Environmental Hygiene Agency (currently called USACHPPM)
  • USAES U.S. Army Engineer School
  • USAFA United States Air Force Academy
  • USAFE United States Air Force Europe
  • USAG US Army Garrison
  • USAG-AK US Army Garrison, Alaska
  • USAIC US Army Infantry Center
  • USAIS US Army Infantry School
  • USAMC US Army Materiel Command
  • USAMRAA U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity
  • USAPHCU.S. Army Public Health Command
  • USAR United States Army Reserves
  • USARC United States Army Reserve Command
  • USAREUR United States Army Europe
  • USARJ United States Army Japan
  • USARNG U.S. Army National Guard
  • USARPAC United States Army Pacific
  • USARSO United States Army Southern Command
  • USASSDC United States Army Space and Strategic Defense Command
  • USATHAMA US Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency (currently called USAEC)
  • USC United States Code
  • USCG United States Coast Guard
  • USD(AT&L) Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics)
  • USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • USDA-FS U.S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service
  • USDA-SCS U.S. Department of Agriculture - Soil Conservation Service
  • USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • USFS U.S. Forest Service
  • USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • USGS U.S. Geological Survey
  • USMA U.S. Military Academy
  • USNA U.S. Naval Academy
  • USSMDC U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
  • UST Underground Storage Tank
  • UTL Upper Tolerance Limit
  • UTES Unit Training Equipment Site
  • UVA Ultraviolet A
  • UVB Ultraviolet B
  • UXO Unexploded Ordnance
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  • VEH Vehicle
  • VOC Volatile Organic Compound
  • VRP Voluntary Remediation Program
  • VSI Visual Site Inspection
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  • WA Wilderness Act
  • WBS Work Breakdown Structure
  • WCAP Wastewater Compliance Assessment Protocol
  • WES Corps of Engineers Waterways Experimental Station
  • WET Whole Effluent Toxicity
  • WIN/INFORMED Waste Information Needs/Information Needs for Making Environmental Decisions
  • WMM Waste Military Munitions
  • WPM Waste Profile Notice
  • WQBEL Water Quality Based Effluent Limit
  • WQI Watershed Quality Index
  • WQMP Water Quality Management Plan
  • WREO Western Regional Environmental Office
  • WRMP Water Resources Management Plan
  • WSRA Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
  • WTA Wash Rack/Treatment Area
  • WWT Wastewater Treatment
  • WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • WWTS Wastewater Treatment System
  • WWW World Wide Web
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  • XRF X-Ray Fluorescence
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