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Data Visualization

Unlocking public access to government data is considered a critical component of the President's Open Government Initiative. Improving LED Data Visualization is one of 12 projects undertaken by the U.S. Census Bureau to increase government transparency by publishing high-value information as part of the U.S. Department of Commerce's 2010 Open Government Plan to improve better understanding and use of Census Bureau data. The Local Employment Dynamics partnership pioneered a data visualization effort in 2006 with the first release of its OnTheMap data visualization tool. The LED Data Visualization Project is the continued expansion of that effort.

LED Data Visualization Plan [PDF; File Size: 713KB]

LED Data Visualization Tools

Data Sources

Data used by the LED Data Visualization Project can be viewed in accessible tables in conformance with Section 508 regulations by clicking the view data links. They can also be directly downloaded from these two sites:


The U.S. Census Bureau initiated this Local Employment Dynamics (LED) Data Visualization Project to enhance public access to the LED data. The LED Data Visualization Project uses freely available third-party tools to visualize and animate LED data that are already publicly available via the LED web site. This is an on-going project, with services constantly being added, modified, or retired. The U.S. Census Bureau does not guarantee the availability or support services of the third party tools.

The use of any specific third-party data visualization tools or products by the LED Data Visualization Project does not imply any endorsement of these tools or products by the Census Bureau. The Census Bureau does not guarantee that any of these third-party tools or products correctly represent the LED data.

System Requirements

The LED Data Visualization tools requires the use of Java This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content. in your browser. You may need to update to the latest version to view the visualizations.

The current release of Many Eyes may not work in all browsers.


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