Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Division

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The Argonne Reactor TreeThe Argonne apple tree, a graphical depiction that displays the depth and scope of the Argonne reactor systems program. Check it out!

Reactors Designed by Argonne National Laboratory

The reactors listed here were all designed by Argonne National Laboratory, and nearly all were built at the laboratory's facilities in Illinois1,3 and Idaho2,3, with those built elsewhere noted3. The “firsts” among these reactors were many, but they include the first man-made self-sustaining neutron chain reaction, and the first generation of electricity from nuclear energy. The development of all commercial nuclear reactor types was based on both the design concepts of the Argonne reactors and on the information produced by these experiments.

From the late 1940s until 2004, Argonne-West in Idaho, and Argonne-East in Illinois, worked as a unified team under single management to design, build, and operate the reactors at both sites. Fourteen were built at ANL-E, fourteen were built at ANL-W, and other reactors designed by Argonne were built at Hanford and Savannah River. By 2004, all of the ANL-W reactors had been shut down. After the merger of ANL-W and INEEL in February, 2005, the new Idaho National Laboratory became the custodian of the ANL-W reactor sites.

Claims that other laboratories designed and constructed Argonne reactors in Idaho are common. The reader is invited to consult the references listed right for confirmation that such claims are false.

Follow the links below to learn about specific Argonne reactors.


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Last Modified: Tue, December 4, 2012 5:08 PM

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