Submit a credit reporting complaint

We'll forward your issue to the company, give you a tracking number, and keep you updated on the status of your complaint.

  1. What happened?
  2. Product information
  3. Desired resolution
  4. Consumer information
  5. Review
Which of these best describes your issue? * Required
Belongs to someone else, identity theft, fraud, etc.
Creditor name/info, balance, payment, etc.
Paid bill on time, account closed, etc.
Wrong date of birth, address, etc.
Bankruptcy, judgment, etc.
More than 30 days, etc.
Initial 90-day, extended, active duty, etc.

Have you disputed the issue with the credit reporting company and received a final response?

Original dispute case number (Optional)

Which credit reporting company is your complaint about?





Before we can take your complaint, file first directly with the credit reporting company:


by calling:
(800) 864-2978

by mailing a complaint:
P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374

Before we can take your complaint, file first directly with the credit reporting company:


by calling:
(888) 397-3742

by mailing a complaint:
P.O. Box 4000
Allen, TX 75013

Before we can take your complaint, file first directly with the credit reporting company:


by calling:
(800) 916-8800

by mailing a complaint:
2 Baldwin Place
1510 Chester Pike
Crum Lynne, PA 19022

You should file a dispute directly with the credit reporting company and the creditor or institution that provided the information before filing a complaint with the CFPB. Contact the credit reporting company for more information on how to file an initial dispute.


3900 characters remaining

Upload any supporting documents (Optional)

Incorrect part of credit reports, payment records, cancelled checks, court documents, birth certificates or other identity verification documents, copy of credit reporting company's investigation

Information about the credit reporting company

The company you entered is not currently listed as a credit reporting company in our system.
The following options are available to you:
  1. Enter the name of the credit reporting company that gave you your report if you want to complain about that company.
  2. Return to and submit a new complaint about the financial product or service company that reported information about you to a credit reporting company. The information you entered will be lost, so you might want to go back to copy what you entered.
  3. Continue to enter the address information below for the company you entered so that we can try to contact this company and send them your complaint for response.
We will forward your complaint to this company and ask for a response.

Note: If you want to complain about multiple credit reporting companies, submit a separate complaint about each company.

Account identification information

We need this information to make sure the credit reporting company is able to find your file. Without it, we may not be able to help.

3900 characters remaining
Select "Someone else" if assisting someone in submitting a complaint. Provide your information under "My contact information" and the other person’s information under "Someone else".

I am submitting on behalf of

Submitting on behalf of someone else may require signed, written permission.
My contact information
International address? Include your state in the "City" field above.
An e-mail address is required to submit a complaint through the CFPB website. Any further communications to you from the CFPB will be sent to this e-mail address.

Account Holder's age is(Optional)

Someone else

International address? Include your City, State/Province/Region in the "City" field above.
*Please populate either phone or email.
Account Holder's age is(Optional)

Enter the servicemember information below.

International address? Include your City, State/Province/Region in the "City" field above.
Screen Reader users press enter to select a Product.  Product

What happened [Edit]

Original dispute case number  
Describe what happened so we can understand the issue...
Consent to publish the description of what happened?  
Supporting documents
Do you believe the issue involves discrimination?
On the basis of

Product information [Edit]

Billing address
Information about the credit reporting company
Social Security number  
Date of birth  
Name on credit report  

Desired resolution [Edit]

What do you think would be a fair resolution to your issue?

Consumer information [Edit]

Contact information

Mailing address
I am submitting on behalf of

Someone else


Servicemember information

The consumer is a
Dependent information
Servicemember information
Servicemember status  
Servicemember branch  
Servicemember rank  



OMB #3170-0011

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