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 Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington
Learn About Volcanoes - Q & A

Where do volcanoes occur?

Map, Plate Tectonics, Sea-Floor Spreading, Hot Spots, and the Ring of Fire

Volcanic eruptions occur only in certain places and do not occur randomly. That's because the Earth's outermost shell -- the lithosphere -- is broken into a series of slabs known as lithospheric or tectonic plates. These plates are rigid, but they float on the hotter, softer layer in the Earth's mantle. There are 16 major plates. As the plates move about, they spread apart, collide, or slide past each other. Volcanoes occur most frequently at plate boundaries.

Some volcanoes, like those that form the Hawaiian Islands, occur in the interior of plates at areas called hot spots. Although most of the active volcanoes we see on land occur where plates collide, the greatest number of the Earth's volcanoes are hidden from view, occurring on the ocean floor along spreading ridges.

Mount St. Helens is typical of more than 80 percent of the volcanoes that have formed on land. Known as subduction zone volcanoes, they occur along the edges of continents where one plate dives, or subducts, beneath a second plate. When the subducting plate reaches about 100 kilometers (60 miles) into the Earth's hot mantle, it triggers partial melting of the overlying plate and forms new magma. Some of the magma rises and erupts as volcanoes.

-- Excerpts from: Volcanoes! -- U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey, Teaching Packet; Map modified from: Tilling, Heliker, and Wright, 1987, and Hamilton, 1976

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06/11/08, Lyn Topinka